ZOOM MASTURBATOR: Holding Dems Accountable for Violence is ‘Both-Siderism’

CNN’s CNN News coverage of Attorney general Merrick Garland addressing the media about January 6, Justice Department investigation. Jeffrey Toobin, chief lawyer analyst and Zoom masturbator, laughed at Garland’s wish to pursue political violence against any political party. 

This Wednesday’s edition CNN NewsroomToobin’s summary of Garland’s public address was the first thing he did when Toobin was asked. Justice will ultimately be done to all those guilty of crimes. Garland’s statement that everyone will be prosecuted at all levels was also a concern to him. He believed that this meant that “those who organized, paid for and planned the riot at the Capitol will be held accountable.” 

Toobin was not happy with some parts of this address. 

There was another thing I noticed that stood out to me. He said, “Well, this isn’t just one party.” Really? I–I, there’s only one political party that I’m aware of, the Republican Party that’s been leading the effort to undermine the rule of law and to undermine the right to vote, and I thought, you know, in this effort to seem bipartisan he engaged in some bogus both sider-ism when it’s really only one political party in this country that’s trying to limit the right to vote and only one political party that’s been defending the people who rioted on January 6th. 



Toobin apparently was not awake or engaged in other activities during the summer 2020, when Black Lives Matter mobs ransacked major American cities and set ablaze them. They were protesting a perceived injustice in police work. The looting of Minneapolis stores was not a sign that they were Republicans, but rather Democrats. Jeff, it’s not all about January 6th. 

Fair enough, CNN’s chief political correspondent Dana Bash was quick to correct the record when asked by CNN.com. Dana Bash (chief political correspondent) was quick to correct the record when she was contacted by CNN NewsroomVictor Blackwell is the co-host. Bash addressed Garland’s point of view: “He was discussing the violence that’s out there. He actually seemed to get, I think, a bit emotional and we discussed the federal judge who sent someone to her house to kill her son and injure her husband.”Bash was presumably referring to the New Jersey Federal Judge who, in her family’s eyes, played a key role in Jeffrey Epstein’s trial.

Bash continued to school Toobin, even though Garland’s comments were unacceptable. “Just about (sic), all the violence and threats that violence are occurring across the nation, and I mean if I was to laymen’s terms the goal of he was trying, then we should take a national chill pills.”

Bash accurately stated Garland’s statements, while refusing to make it a political tool. Toobin, it’s best to keep your hands in our sight.  

Liberty Mutual, Subway and Whole Foods Market brought this segment to you. 

You can click the “expand” button to see this section’s transcript.

CNN Newsroom


3:4:11 PM 

JEFFREY TOOBIN – I believe if you have missed the speech I will be able to summarize it in just three words. I appreciate your patience. Garland claimed that this was their argument on January 6, and I agree with Andy. The phrase that stood out to me, which was that people will be held accountable at all levels, for any reason, including those responsible for organizing, paying for or planning the Riot at the Capitol. That’s a promise, we’ll see whether they have the evidence to make it real. He said that this wasn’t one party, which I must admit was a surprise to me. Really? I–I, there’s only one political party that I’m aware of, the Republican Party that’s been leading the effort to undermine the rule of law and to undermine the right to vote, and I thought, you know, in this effort to seem bipartisan he engaged in some bogus both sider-ism when it’s really only one political party in this country that’s trying to limit the right to vote and only one political party that’s been defending the people who rioted on January 6th. 

VICTOR BLACKWELL – Dana, what stands out for you? 

DANA BASH, Yes. I can hear Jeffrey’s words. He was discussing the violence in the world, but in this context, he did seem to feel a bit more emotional. Then we discussed the incident in which a federal judge sent someone to her house to kill her child and seriously injure her husband. We need to be able to talk about the widespread violence and threats to violence in the country. It is important that people calm down. We as the law enforcement, the chief law enforcement officer effectively of this country, we’re going to do our best and we’re going to prosecute. This is an important societal problem that we must address. It was amazing to see the Attorney General for the United States give that speech, Victor and Alisyn. We thought he was going to focus on January 6th. He tried to justify himself and defend himself. But the Justice Department took the issue much further and pointed out society more than I-certainly didn’t anticipate.

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