You’ll Never Guess Who the Left Just Blamed for the Attack on Dave Chappelle – Opinion

Online mobs trying to force cancel culture upon another innocent person have evolved into physical attacks on comedian Dave Chappelle. A man by the name of Isaiah Lee attacked Chappelle with a knife. Chappelle was not hurt but Lee left bruised and unnaturally positioned.

(WATCH – Dave Chappelle Gets Attacked On Stage. Jamie Foxx Helps.

At this time, it’s still unclear as to why Lee attempted to attack Chappelle but we can make a pretty solid guess. Chappelle has been the central target of the transgender activist community ever since his 2019 special Sticks & Stones on Netflix. Upon the release of his most recent special “The Closer,” a handful of Netflix employees demanded Chappelle be taken off the service, a demand that was promptly rejected by Netflix brass.

Chappelle, for his part, made it clear that he’s no enemy of the LGBT community and that all of his jokes were in good fun, but the LGBT activist community is not reasonable and continued to sell the idea that Chappelle’s jokes were endangering the lives of transgenders.

This level of panic was spread about one man and it only took a few minutes before someone tried to hurt him. While it’s still not entirely clear if Lee was taking revenge on Chappelle for jokes about transgender people, it’s the most likely reason.

But if you were to ask leftist talking heads, the reason isn’t that the transgender activist community has been using hyperbole every time they discuss Chappelle. It’s not because of the panic the left has spread about hate and violence just waiting to happen if they lose control of the culture. According to them, the left did not have anything to do with this.

No, it’s Trump’s fault. Sonny Hostin & Joy Behar believe that.

The ladies of “The View” were discussing the attack on Chappelle and got down to talking about where the finger should be pointed for the blame.

“What do you think is happening? I mean, it’s happening on airplanes, it’s happening on street corners,” said Whoopi Goldberg.

“The pandemic, the opioid crisis, the fact that Trump was out there saying things like, ‘Just knock the hell out of them. I promise you I’ll pay for the legal fees,’ when he had a heckler,” said Behar.

Behar went on to blame it also on Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars, but guest co-host Lindsey Granger stopped her and made it clear that the Smith/Rock incident wasn’t political.

“I know you want to wrap it all into politics — this is really about security,” Granger said, adding that Smith’s actions weren’t “particularly right-leaning.”

Hostin however agreed to Behar.

“I do think Trump unleashed some incivility, at least, in our country,” Hostin added.

It’s a pretty big stretch to think that Trump had anything to do with this. Leftists are consistent in their calls for civility, burning cities, destroying lives and leaving behind a few dead.

If the ladies of The View were being honest, they would have immediately pointed the finger where it needed to be pointed, and that’s at the cancel culture mobs, inspired by the activist community, that have been coming for Chappelle for some time. However, they won’t. Doing so would put them in the crosshairs themselves and they wouldn’t dare upset a community that could end their careers in one campaign.

Instead, why not blame the one guy they’ve been blaming for everything under the sun?

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