You Don’t Speak for Hispanics – Opinion

I’m going to purposely bury the lede, gang. It is deep.

Let’s begin with a hypothetical that will never happen but will illustrate the blatant hypocrisy of the Democrat Party. Pretend Gallup or any reputable polling organization positioned pollsters along the southern border whose job would be to canvass illegal aliens — as they steam into the United States in droves — about who they would ultimately vote for if they became U.S. citizens and were given the right to vote.

Now pretend — and this wouldn’t happen but stay with me — illegals told the pollsters they would vote Republican in overwhelming numbers, vs. the current reality of Hispanic Americans overwhelmingly voting Democrat. What would you do? You can too.

Nancy Pelosi (Chuck Schumer), Joe Biden (Kamala Harris), CNN, MSNBC and the whole Democrat Party would unite and form a human chains at the border running from the Pacific Ocean towards the Gulf of Mexico to try to prevent illegal aliens from getting into the country.

It is a fact that the Democrat Party seizes this opportunity This isAnd panders ToHispanics are only allowed to vote for one purpose; just as Black America has been exploited for over six decades.

But here’s the deal. Donald Trump won more Hispanic votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, earning about one-third of Hispanic voters’ support. Biden was only two-to-one overall in the Hispanic vote. In the Black vote, Trump saw similar gains to 2016.

Bottom line:

An increasing percentage of Hispanic (and Black) Americans clearly told the Democrat Party in 2020: You don’t speak for us. Christopher Rodriguez (a GOP congressional candidate) is one such Hispanic. He is also a small business owner as well as a U.S. Marine Corps combat Veteran. Rodriguez told “Fox & Friends” co-host Brian Kilmeade on Monday he didn’t fight for Americans’ freedom to let the radical left destroy it.

Rodriquez explained, in Fox News’ Saturday opinion-piece, that Democrats are moving further to the left while Hispanic voters have stopped following them. “One thing I celebrated this past Hispanic Heritage Month,” Rodriguez wrote, “Democrats no longer have a monopoly on the Hispanic community.”

Rodriguez wrote (emphasis, mine):

I’m not just in touch with the Hispanic workers who are the elites of Democrat Party pretend they speak on behalfIch bin eins.I. My father was a drug abuser and I grew up in poverty. I served my country in Iraq, where I started my own company. I have seven children.

Hispanics make up millions and have had their own experiences to achieve the American dream. It is not like the Leftists that run the Democrat Party, but we do know it’s still alive. You can trust me when I tell you: the Hispanic community is becoming more disillusioned by the day with the Democrats’ embrace of the radical Left

“Hispanics are not ‘drifting rightward,’” Rodriguez said, “as some pundits suggest.”

We’re exactly where we’ve been for generations: believing in the value of hard work, family, God, safe communities, and the freedom and opportunity that comes from the American dream.

It’s the Democrats who have shifted radically to the Left, leading Hispanic voters down a radical path millions of us don’t want to follow […]A new generation of Hispanic conservative leaders is needed to strengthen the voice.

“In fact,” Rodriguez wrote, “it’s one of the reasons I’m running for Congress.”

I have heard similar comments for some time from former Democrats across the board — “I didn’t leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left me,” which has often caused me to reflect on the 1960 inaugural address of John F. Kennedy, who famously implored: “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” Imagine for a nanosecond the repercussions if a 2021 Democrat candidate for Any officeSimilar statements were made. Adios, pal — kiss your political aspirations bye-bye.

Rodriguez then ran through several examples of how the Democrat Party panders to Hispanics, including the ridiculous made-up descriptor, “LatinX.” (Pew Research Center in August 2020 found that about one in four Hispanics have heard of the silly word, while just Three percentIt was used by them.

Let’s start with the Democrat elites’ crazed devotion to using the word “LatinX.” No one — and I mean no one — who actually lives in a Hispanic community uses that word. It’s not even a word in Spanish — it’s Liberal English-speaking Whites are forcing waking nonsense on our communityPushing their left-wing gender theories agendas. It’s insulting, and we notice

Rodriguez called Trump’s policies a game-changer for Hispanic voters, despite the lapdog media narrativeThe.

Take the Democrats’ leadership on the economy. President Trump’s policies were, contrary to the media narrative, a game-changer for Hispanic voters. Trump economic growth created unimaginable job growth and wage growth for Hispanics. Under his leadership, in fact, Hispanic poverty rates fell to an unprecedented lowThis is a. President Trump is the reason. Hispanics stood at the edge of economic freedom unprecedented in their history

Next up, several “We notice” examples, including Biden’s “leadership” of the military, vs. under Trump.

Take President Biden’s leadership of the military, where hundreds of thousands of Hispanics currently serve on active duty. Another million, including myself, are veterans. Biden’sA disastrous withdrawal from AfghanistanHe left behind Americans and allies to meet an arbitrary deadline. Service personnel from all walks of life are disgusted at his actions

In the meantime, The top generals of our military seem to be more interested in politics and wakefulness than strength and safety Remember? When President Trump was in office, the U.S. Military meant something. But we’re not sure. This is what I hear almost every day. Camp Pendleton is my district. It’s home to almost 70,000 military personnel.

We take note.

What about the Biden Border crisis? “We notice,” wrote Rodriguez.

Take President Biden’s handling of the border crisis. Hispanic voters, contrary to media portrayals, understand that a secure and prosperous America requires a border that welcomes legal immigrants while maintaining law and order.

All too well we are familiar with drug smugglers and human traffickers who take advantage of chaos. Hispanics value safe communities – it’s why Hispanic leadership at the National Border Patrol Council as well as the National Latino Peace Officers Association Advocacy have overwhelmingly endorsed Donald Trump

“There’s a reason President Trump and the Republican Party saw huge shifts in Hispanic support across the country in 2020,” Rodriguez summed up.

The more, Biden that Hispanics — and the rest of us — are forced to endure, the more reason Hispanics will have to reject the radical ideological nonsense of the left — which the acuity-challenged president dutifully and blindly backs, like a clapping seal.

Meanwhile, Hispanics — and the rest of us — pay.

It’s not just Hispanics who continue to grow more and more disillusioned with Biden and the Democrats, as my colleague Sister Toldjah reported recently:

Joe Biden could be doomed by this startling statistic

Meanwhile, white Democrats, knock off the ridiculous “LatinX,” won’t you? Not a chance.

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