Xavier Becerra Goes Full Metal Sopranos in Disturbing Rant on ‘Selfish’ Unvaccinated Americans – Opinion

A lot of us have watched in horror at some of what’s taken place here in America and also in other “free” countries like Australia and Canada since the pandemic started, not just related to coronavirus outbreaks and the unfortunate deaths that result from them, but also in the way governments at all levels have taken advantage of national emergency declarations to slide in and encroach on the rights of the citizenry bit by bit every day.

There are the arrests – sometimes violent arrests – of the unmasked or, during the earlier part of the pandemic here, the taking into police custody of small business owners who said they were willing to face arrest for opening their business because they were afraid prolonged shutdowns would cause them to go under and lose the business they’d worked so hard to build up. The threat of arrests for pastors and members of congregations who want to go to Sunday church during the pandemic has been a factor.

There are the knocks on doors from the local authorities (in Australia) to “check” to make sure you’re home and not out trying to live your life, even discouraging simply walking to get some fresh air or speaking to neighbors. There are the vaccine mandates which as we’ve seen take place in Australia have literally resulted in people being told that if you have not been vaccinated you It won’t be allowed back into polite society, otherwise known as the “do it or else you will be punished” approach. Other instances were when parents weren’t allowed to spend time with thousands upon thousands of children at a vaccination event.

Joe Biden appeared to be against the idea of mandatory coronavirus vaccinations during his presidential campaign. However, he changed his mind over the summer and required them for federal employees, as well as workers in private companies that employ at least 100 workers. While President Biden’s private business vaccine mandate is not in writing and stamped with his seal of approval just yet, his declaration that one is coming has had the intended effect of companies dismissing scores of workers for not getting the vaccine, in effect lengthening the already long unemployment lines that Biden’s disastrous policies have exacerbated.

Joe Biden’s response to people losing their jobs as a result of his vaccine mandate? BragIt is a good idea to think about this while still claiming the benefit for many. [were forced]Received the vaccine.

I’ve had people ask me before as to if I think what’s happening here will be as bad as what’s taken place in Australia. Australia is actually here as shown by the above examples, and also the man that President Biden has appointed to head the Department of Homeland Security.

Here’s what DHS Sec. Xavier Becerra said during today’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” program about how if the unvaccinated wanted the chance to join in on all the reindeer games that they needed to stop being “selfish” and just get the d*mn vaccine:

[It’s making sure you’re testing, you’re doing the hygiene,] and right now, requiring workers to be vaccinated is something you’re seeing by the public sector and the private sector. This pandemic must be stopped and everybody has to participate. If you are looking to make things public and do it with other people, then you need to join the team. Being part of the group means that you must be safe, so you can let others around you be safe. You can’t just be selfish.


Should we be outraged? Yes. Shocked? No. Because this man who – like Dr. Fauci – is amplifying a point Joe Biden wants him to, and that’s that that thing called “freedom” is subject to strict conditions. How do we know this? Because Joe Biden said so during his CNN town hall last week:

These words denigrate freedom are not appropriate. The thought streamA president in America (or someone who wants one), but much less of what they actually say.

But as I wrote over the weekend, this is where we are, and with no end in sight until the 2022 elections, which cannot get here fast enough as far as I’m concerned. Mocking freedom and calling people “selfish” for making the very private medical decisions that we’re told should be celebrated when a woman is consulting with her doctor on her feminine health is disqualifying, and voters need to respond accordingly in next year’s elections and beyond to send Joe Biden a message that they’re ready for the “rescue” he promised – except the rescue they want is a rescuing from Joe Biden’s dictatorial policies before we reach a point where there’s no turning back.

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