WORST OF 2021: The Joy of Hate Award for Joy Reid Rants

It was a challenging task but an esteemed panel of NewsBusters editors led by MRC President L.Brent Bozell and MRC’s Vice President for Research and Publications Brent Baker boiled down all the biased outbursts from lefty hack hosts, anchors, reporters and pundits in 2021 and announced The Chris Cuomo Memorial Award to Quote of the Year

Each year, there are too many biases for one category. Baker led a team of NewsBusters editors in breaking down the Worst of Twenty-One into seven categories. 

We present today the WORST OF 2021: Joy Reid Rants’s Joy of Hate Award. 

The winner is announced (followed shortly by the top runners up)  



Reid Rages Against “Nazi-Curious” Republicans



“You have the Democrats, the responsible parent telling you to be decent to people who are different from you and take care of the Earth, and don’t threaten to kill people….and who pass things like health care and roads and bridges and food for people who can’t afford it. Then there’s the other parent….the Republicans, who lets you stay up all night and eat Snickers for dinner, and take off your mask in a COVID cloud….Your drunk, mostly absentee, Nazi- curious, authoritarian Republican Party is doing this circus, waiting around for you to put their ridiculous, embarrassing, democracy-hating, Trump-cult authoritarianism, open-racism-embracing, dangerous behinds back in power.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s ReidOutNovember 18


Here is the montage below of runners-ups and winners:





What?! Conservatives Would “Trade” Tax Cuts for the “Ability to Openly” Hurl Racial Slurs 

“I’ll say it again: people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word like in ‘the good old days.’ To them, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression.”
— March 3 tweet by MSNBC’s ReidOutJoy Reid, host


GOP Wants to End Democracy, “Torture” Black Voters

“What Republicans are saying is they’re going to make it torture for you to vote in line by having fewer machines, beat-up machines at places….places where black folks live…make it impossible or torture for you to vote in line. And they’re going to make it impossible for you to vote by mail. They’re going to lock off every way that you can vote….This is the end of democracy in America. This is the beginning of the South Africa strategy…..It’s Jim Crow America.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s ReidOutMarch 25, 2005


“Jim Crow” Ted Cruz Is a Betrayal to His Race for Opposing Voting Bill

“Ted Cruz says a lot of stupid things. There are many stupid things he does. But I personally, as a person of color, as a Black person, am beyond offended that he would dare use the word ‘Jim Crow’ when his party is literally a Jim Crow Party….What you see here on your screen is what Republicans fear in the voting booth and they’re going to do everything they can to make sure it doesn’t happen, including, you know, Stephen from Django Unchained aka Ted Cruz….who’s working to stop fellow people of color from voting, which is amazing.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s ReidOutMay 11th,


Joy Reid has more rage for the GOP than the Taliban

“The only reason that we know who the Taliban are is because they decided to back a terrorist group, al-Qaeda, right? They’re an extreme, right-wing organization that perverts….the Islamic faith for power….Here in the United States, our extremists have a political party backing them.”
— Host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s ReidOutAugust 19,

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