World Population Milestones

As of November 2022, our world population has reached 8 billion people. With a number as massive as that, researchers wanted to explore what that means for the present and the future. To start, let’s take a look at how the 8 billion people of the world are spread out across the highest population countries of the world. In North America, the United States leads in population growth with 338 million; in South America, Brazil leads with 215 million; Russia leads in Europe with 145 million; and in Asia, China leads with 1.4 billion people

Nigeria has the most people in Africa, with 219 million, and Indonesia has the most people in Oceania, with 280 million. Comparing their population statistics from the previous year, we are expanding by 0.83% every year.

Even though the world’s population is growing, and we recently passed the 8 billion mark, not all countries are expanding at the same rate. It also does not imply that every country is growing. Some countries are losing their population. This is due to an increase in worldwide life expectancy from 29 to 73 years since 1800, suggesting improved global health and an older global population. As a result, it is usual for the fertility rate to fall.

8 billion people visualized

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