Winning the War – Opinion

With the recent leak of Justice Alito’s draft opinion indicating the Supreme Court may be poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the abortion issue has come sharply back into focus. It’s a difficult issue – as Justice Alito rightly notes – it’s a profound moral question.

I am firmly and wholly in the Pro-Life Camp – but I wasn’t always. What changed my heart and mind on the issue wasn’t being yelled at and bullied – it was people sincerely and patiently taking the time to discuss it with me. And it Didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen, and for that — and those people who took that time and effort — I am eternally grateful.

It’s true – there are some people who simply aren’t persuadable, but there are many who are. At the end of it all, do you really want to win a battle? Or to win over people. It’s winning a battle versus winning the war. To save lives, the ultimate goal of war is winning the war. That requires winning hearts.

Today is “Give St. Louis Day.” If you’d like to support an organization that’s helping save lives, consider Thrive St. Louis.

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