Winner Projected in Nadler-Maloney Race in New York – Opinion

Decision Desk projects Rep. Jerry Nadler, who is a little surprise in this race for the NY-12 seat with Rep. Carolyn Maloney.

That district was Maloney’s district, but with redistricting realigning the map, it ended up having Nadler run against his colleague Maloney. Nadler serves as the Chair for the House Judiciary Committee, while Maloney is the Chair for the House Oversight Committee. They both have been in Congress for since the ’90s.

The race got down and dirty at the end, with Maloney citing reports that called Nadler “senile.” She even called him “half-dead” but then fled a reporter, as her daughter physically intervened to help her get away.

FiveThirtyEight said Maloney was the favourite. They also pointed out that Maloney almost lost the district to Suraj Patel the previous time she ran in this primary.

Maloney was unable to overtake the Nadler name recognition. Although she’s been in Congress for years, he just has a higher profile and that may have won the day. That’s unfortunate, because he’s another one who should have retired long ago.

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