Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock Has Nothing to Do With Black People – Opinion

After actor Will Smith delivered the slap heard ’round the world, the chattering class was set ablaze with fiery debate over the altercation. Smith was being defended by some, who claimed he was trying to protect his wife Jada from the tasteless joke of comedian Chris Rock. Other people argued that Smith should not have dealt with the situation as he did.

But, you will not be surprised to learn that others made the whole situation about race because things aren’t quite insufferable enough in 2022. Some tried to be a reasoned voice in the debate.

Social media users criticized Smith for losing control with Rock. They also claimed that the incident was a poor reflection on the black community. It isn’t a new issue; this is a problem that pops up when a black person behaves badly in public. However, Dr. Bernice King, the youngest child of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., chimed in and addressed the issue head-on, noting that anyone who suggested the altercation somehow represents black America “already thought Black people look bad.” She tweeted:

Anybody who thinks “Black people look bad” after the #OscarsAlready thought that Black people looked bad.

Respectability doesn’t cure racism.

Be Love, but please don’t think that a person who uses one moment to malign a whole group of people did not do so before that moment.

King continued, posting more tweets on Monday addressing questions from other users suggesting she condoned Smith’s actions. She also reiterated her support for nonviolence.

“Condone” is such an intriguing word, often wreaking of ignorance or arrogance.

What about being transparent in what you commit not to be and to eliminating?

Because a lot of people are saying “I don’t condone violence,” but may only mean the type of violence they’re uncomfortable with.

Others on social media did the whole “What if Chris Rock had been white?” routine, another way to inject race into the matter. Some suggested Smith might have been taken into custody if that had been the situation. Other people argued Smith wouldn’t have arrested him for slapping him, if Rock hadn’t lost his melanin.

I don’t agree with King on much as she is decidedly left-of-center. Smith was not allowed to get physical with Rock, even though his jokes were inappropriate. It was unprofessional.

However, it has nothing whatsoever to do with race. Anyone who pretends this somehow reflects badly on black men already doesn’t think much of us, to begin with. This was a dispute between two people, and nothing more. It isn’t as if anyone is looking at how Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry tried to talk some sense into Smith afterward and saying it somehow represents the entire black community.

This kind of incident is great fodder for conversation, debate, or even humor. But when people attempt to exploit it to deepen the already-deep division in America, it doesn’t do anyone any favors.

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