Will Disney Hate Dads Now? DeSantis Signs ‘Fatherhood’ Bill

In the era of “toxic masculinity,” second wave feminism and a list of available gender identity options longer than a Cheesecake Factory menu, fatherhood isn’t exactly in a golden age. (Not that mothers – er, “birthing people” – are doing much better.) Ron DeSantis supports fatherhood, but it is facing its most difficult challenge to date.

The Florida Governor just signed HB 7065, “The Responsible Fatherhood Act,” which The Hill says is “a $70 million initiative, will provide resources for educational and mentorship programs to help children, fathers and families.”

(Libertarians will balk, but out in California, Palm Springs is paying people $900 per month just to be confused about their gender. It seems that underwriting dads is a good investment.

The initiative “aims to encourage fathers to take an active role in their children’s lives and provides grants to community-based membership programming.” It “create[s] a mentorship program to help at-risk youth through the new initiative, hosting various programs such as barbershop talks and fatherhood classes.” 

(What’s a “barbershop talk?” I mean, is it shorthand for “personal service provider talk?” I guess it sounds better than a “tattoo parlor talk.”)

The bill is in response to what FLA Republicans call a “fatherhood crisis,” and, as The Hill notes “more than 18 million children in the U.S. do not have a father in their home, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.”

‘This has a severe impact on children, and often leads to dropping out of school, crime and substance abuse,’ DeSantis said at a news conference on Monday.

Unfortunately, CNN and TheAssociated Press did not recognize DeSantis’ Puppy Appreciation day in the Sunshine State. Washington PostThey would declare that the nation is in danger of canine fascism, and the Republicans want to see cats return to the dark.

The bill is also supported by Tony Dungy (NFL coach great).

‘This is going to be tremendous and such a good help to fathers in Florida,’ Dungy said. ‘This bill is so important. Thank you to all who contributed. Groups like [Dungy’s own organization] All Pro Dad and people like those here today to do great things for our fathers here in Florida.’

Dungy is an irredeemable Christian who holds unacceptable views on a variety of social topics, including Drew Brees’s right to his own opinion, and throwing ticker tape parades for mediocre gay linebackers.

So the only question now is how long it takes Disney, the teachers’ unions and the Democratic Party in general to come out against fatherhood.

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