One of last week’s biggest stories was the failure of the petition to recall Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón to qualify for the ballot. The recall committee claimed to have turned in more than 717,000 signatures, yet slightly more than 520,000 were validated by LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk Dean Logan. Given Logan’s history in Washington State and a litany of problems since he took over in Los Angeles, it’s understandable that recall supporters immediately suspected shenanigans. However, within hours (after receiving numerous tips from people involved in the recall campaign in various capacities) I learned that the campaign’s failure was much more complex than that and had a lot to do with the hiring of an incompetent, shady signature gathering firm, the failure of the campaign to adequately pre-validate signatures, and the campaign committee paying themselves large retainers, which dug into the funds available to pay signature gatherers.
RedState published the details of my findings on Thursday night. The story made quite a stir in Los Angeles. I joined FOX Los Angeles anchors Elex Michaelson and Marla Tellez on Friday night’s “Special Report,” followed by Recall George Gascon committee co-chair Kathy Cady, who denied that the committee had done anything wrong.
Below is the complete segment.
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