On Thursday, after the Senate confirmation of Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, the leftist broadcast networks continued their swooning from earlier in the day over Jackson’s “historic” confirmation. With ABC’s Rachel Scott race-baiting “white men will be in the minority”The court.
ABC’s World News TonightAnchor David Muir started the cheerleading, by touting the “historic vote in the Senate”And once more, repeating again how “Judge Jackson will now be the first black woman to serve on the nation’s highest court.”
Serving as the unofficial stenographer for the Biden administration, Muir reported eagerly how Vice President Kamala Harris proclaimed it to be a “glorious day” and noted how there were “cheers and some tears in the Senate chamber”After the election.
Scott then received Muir’s report. Scott exclaimed that Judge Jackson was a great judge. “cementing her place in history.” After drooling about Jackson, she took a short break to criticize Republican Senators. “quickly filed out [of the Senate]As he stood astonished, he walked past Mitt Romney from Utah. Romney, along with Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the only Republican Senators to vote yes.”
Scott was then proud to announce that Jackson will be sworn-in. “for the first time in history, four of the nine justices will be women. And white men will be in the minority.”
On CBS Evening News, anchor Norah O’Donnell was also quick to celebrate the moment at the top of her show:
Because we were able to witness something unprecedented in American history, today’s event gave us a chance to start the process here. This will undoubtedly change many Americans’ lives for the next decades.
O’Donnell was quick to repeat the favorite liberal line that “the court has not represented the diversity of the American people” but noted that Biden “promised to change that” during his Presidential campaign.
In the meantime, NBC Nightly News Lester Holt, anchor announced his excitement at the entry of the latest leftist to the High Court right before the program began. “The lines of history and the course of this nation’s racial legacy intersected at the United States Capitol today.”
Holt pretentiously boasted about this historic moment. “the first black woman Vice President Kamala Harris presiding over the official Senate confirmation vote of Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the country’s first black woman Supreme Court Justice.”
Prevagen (ABC), Liberty Mutual on CBS and Fidelity (NBC) all swooned over Ketanji brown Jackson’s confirmation. You can contact them via the linked information to let them know what biased news they are funding.
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ABC’s World News Tonight
Eastern, 6:32:50DAVID MURIR: Tonight’s program begins with the historic Senate vote. Senate confirms Judge Ketanji Jackson. Three Republicans and all three Democrats voted for history. Judge Jackson will be the first woman of color to hold the highest office in the country’s capital. Today we learn that Judge Jackson was there with President Biden to watch the voting. When it was clear that she would be making history, they shared a hug. Kamala Harris was the Vice President who, when she was elected Vice President and presided over voting. It was a wonderful day, said the Vice President. The Senate chamber was filled with cheers and tears today. This confirmation fulfills President Biden’s election promise that he would appoint the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court. Rachel Scott is our leader tonight, starting from the Capitol.
RACHEL SCOTT Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson securing her place in the history books. Senators weeping, cheers ringing from the chamber. The back is crowded with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. As Mitt Romney, Utah’s Republican Senator, stood acclamating as he walked past them, Republicans filed out. Romney was joined by Susan Collins from Maine and Lisa Murkowski, Alaska’s Republican Senators who voted yes. The White House was a place where President Biden and Judge Jackson sat hand-in-hand.
SCOTT: Jackson will join the court as a 51-year old woman. For the first time ever, there will be four women justices. The minority will include white men.
CBS Evening News
Eastern at 6:32 p.m.NORAH O’DONNELL: We are going to begin here in our nation’s capitol because today we had a front-row seat to something that has never happened in our nation’s history. It will change America’s lives for many decades. The U.S. Senate voted today to confirm Judge Ketanji Jackson as a lifetime member of the country’s highest court. In its history of 233 year, the Supreme Court has addressed one the most critical issues in America. Its decisions have had a significant impact on our lives every day. However, the Supreme Court hasn’t represented all Americans. Biden has promised to fix that. He nominated Judge Jackson six weeks ago in the most significant decision a President could make. Drei Republican Senators voted for Mitt Romney, a Utahn who broke from their party. Susan Collins, Maine. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska. There are many other firsts. This will mark the debut of two black justices on the Supreme Court simultaneously, as well as the introduction of four female justices to the Supreme Court.
NBC Nightly News
Eastern: 7:01 p.m.LESTER HOLT (English): Hello, everybody. At the United States Capitol, today’s United States Capitol saw the intersection of history and America’s racial past. Kamala Harris, the nation’s first female Vice President of Black Women presided over Ketanji Jackson’s Senate confirmation vote to make her the country’s first African woman Supreme Court Justice. Jackson was elected to succeed Justice Stephen Breyer. The vote resulted in a 53-47 split with three Republicans and all Democrats voting aye. Jackson hugged President Biden during her confirmation celebration at the White House. They watched as the election was conducted together. It was a moment of full circle for President Obama, who pledged as a candidate that he would nominate a woman from the black community to the court. A curious delay nearly ruined this moment.