President Biden’s speech last week in Georgia in which he viciously compared his political opposition to Democrat racists of the past is still being talked about a week later, but not for reasons the White House would like it to be.
Its bitterly divided nature is still being talked about on TV/radio talk show and social media. Some of them seem shocked that someone who used race to advance his political career in Washington, D.C., would now turn to it out of despair.
Jen Psaki (White House press secretary) was asked about Biden on two occasions. She suggested that anyone who didn’t like him changing Senate rules regarding filibuster or federalizing elections wasn’t better than other racist Democrats such as Bull Connor, George Wallace and Jefferson Davis. Psaki stepped up and dug a bigger hole for the Biden White House in both cases.
But during today’s briefing when Psaki was again asked about Biden’s remarks, the answer she gave was one that will likely be used against Biden and Democrats in swing districts in future campaign ads heading into the 2022 midterms:
“I would say first that the president delivered a powerful speech about the protection of peoples’ fundamental rights in this country, which is their right to vote, the right to vote for anyone they choose, whether it is him or someone else. The speech was not political. It was intended to lay out for the public exactly what’s at stake and lay out for elected officials what’s at stake. Und he stood by all he said during that speech.“
Jen Psaki says that Biden’s speech in which he compared opponents of a federal takeover of elections to segregationists “was not a partisan speech…he stands by everything he said in that speech.”
— (@townhallcom) January 18, 2022
Well, it’s certainly good to know that he “stands by everything he said” in that supposedly “non-partisan speech” for a couple of reasons. For starters, quite frankly a lot of us would be disappointed to see him back down seeing that’s it’s something he clearly believes to be true about people who disagree with him. I, for one, am not someone who is interested in seeing someone issue apologies or contrite statements that they don’t really mean.
But more importantly, heading into the November 2022 elections it’s good to know he’s standing behind what he said because this is who Joe Biden always has been, and those who voted for Biden because their feelings were hurt by former President Donald Trump’s “mean tweets” or whatever deserve the reality check of finding out the true colors of the man behind the mask, the man who promised to “heal” the nation and be its “uniter in chief.”
Related –>> ‘Hits Keep Coming’: The Last Four Days for Joe Biden Were Even Worse Than We Thought