For Virginians, the moment has almost arrived where they’ll get the opportunity to choose their state’s next leader.
In this writer’s humble opinion, the differences between the nominees – Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin – could not be starker. It’s not only stylistic, but politically as well.
McAuliffe is in the lower left corner. He, together with his surrogates has ran one of Virginia’s most scandalous campaigns (some would even say). TheThe worst. Not only has he falsely portrayed his opponent as a racist and anti-Semite – par for the course for a desperate Democrat, but he’s also insinuated that Youngkin’s supporters – nearly half of Virginia voters according to the latest polls, are also racists. What is the reason?
Because they’ve taken an active role on behalf of their children in combatting the implementation of CRT in public school classrooms, have stood against gender identity dogma, and oppose sexually explicit material being taught without advance warning. In response, Terry McAuliffe has point blank told them that “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
It’s truly bizarre. McAuliffe, unlike Youngkin has a unique approach to gaining support. He’s decided that he will not only insult a voter’s intelligence but that he’ll also dig a deeper hole by Insulting voters – and then expects them to say “more, please.” His campaign has been the 2021 version of Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, where she infamously declared half of the then-GOP nominee Donald Trump’s supporters to be “deplorables.”
But it backfired. Terry McAuliffe’s war on parents has also backfired, with the latest poll showing a dramatic 42% shiftIn support of McAuliffe and Youngkin by education voters over the past month.
In contrast, here’s the closing ad we see for Youngkin. While Terry McAuliffe was ingesting more bitter pills during his contentious interview with NBC News “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd earlier today, These are the kinds of things Youngkin was doing – and has been doing since Day One. In a final push to get the race going, Youngkin travels all around the state and keeps it alive at packed events. The general theme is:
Does the state need four more years of “woke” from an entrenched political insider like Terry McAuliffe, or four years of what a spirited political outsider who has largely gone it alone during this campaign and who has said simply “this is who I am” has to offer?
Take a look at:
It’s been a great trip, with Virginians coming together in a way that is unlike any other. Day 8 of the #WinWithGlennThe Bus Tour was amazing. Virginia, let’s get on board!
— Glenn Youngkin (@GlennYoungkin) October 31, 2021
Obviously, a number of my colleagues here and I feel Youngkin is a better fit for the state than McAuliffe, but to reiterate a point I’ve made before, things need to be kept in perspective. Glenn Youngkin, if elected, would not be turning the state full red like Texas or Georgia, because – assuming it could actually even happen – it would take more than four years considering all the damage Democrats have done. Changes of this magnitude are not going to happen in a matter of hours. They are likely to begin under the Youngkin administration, but not as much as under the McAuliffe.
Youngkin could pull the state from blue dominance, and GOP candidates can go after him to continue building on the work Youngkin has done (and perhaps with a GOP-controlled legislature).
Related to all this, Youngkin should be judged on the case he’s made for himself, not over the fact that he’s not portrayed himself as a mini-Trump. Glenn Youngkin, not Terry McAuliffe is the important thing here. McAuliffe’s inability to properly represent the state of his home with dignity and his treatment of voters (parents) during his campaign is a disgraceful thing. with so much disrespect in the final weeks of it, that’s the most important factoid of all for voters to consider at this stage in the game, in my opinion.
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