What Do Cheech, Chong, and Bad Bunny Have to Do With Nevada’s Most Coveted Commission? – Opinion

On Tuesday, the uniformly Democratic and undeniably powerful Clark County Commission declared August 22, “Cheech and Chong Day.” The iconic comedy duo was at the Planet 13 marijuana dispensary in Las Vegas on Monday for the announcement. Tick Segerblom (arguably the father in legalizing marijuana in this area) posted a Twitter photo.

I reached out to Segerblom’s office requesting to view the proclamation, hoping to answer my question, “Why is Aug 22nd Cheech and Chong Day in Las Vegas?”While I don’t have an answer right away, my speculation is that Cheech Day and Chong Day were created to increase tourism to a state that depends on it. Or to draw attention to cannabis consumption lounges. Las Vegas needs consumption lounges. Tourists staying at hotels don’t have the right space or facilities to consume legalized cannabis products. The Clark County Commission is currently addressing issues such as smoking odors and patio seating.

Maybe the proclamation is simply because Segerblom’s politics are mostly pot with a side of Bolshevism, for those who want to use their property as a short-term rental in Clark County. The rationale behind Cheech and Chong Day remains a mystery, but I don’t particularly take issue with it in itself, due to an understanding of the industry in our state and… I attended Oaksterdam and know a thing or two about decarboxylation.

Nearly brushed off 4/20: Part twoIt was just the way it is with stoney Segerblom. He tweeted that Bad Bunny Day would be declared next. Admittedly, I didn’t know what a Bad Bunny was until the government official alerted me that I should, via Twitter. Bad Bunny, a Latino singer is very popular. (I don’t have an issue with any-bunny, I don’t want no smoke.)

Alas! I finally understood the obscure rationale for Segerblom’s decision to turn the commission into Grammy Awards.

This isn’t about cannabis tourism, it’s about the highly sought-after Latino vote. 

Las Vegas wouldn’t be the first city to give Bad Bunny his own day; Boston already did. Bad Bunny got an official proclamation this month. Fenway Park placed his name above the ballfield’s sign, while Michelle Wu of Boston posted photos at Bad Bunny’s concert.

The implied political surrogacy that Bad Bunny and other Latino icons have is prized pseudo-endorsement. Democrats are dodging President Joe Biden on the campaign trail for fear his unpopularity won’t win them any public favor, but a selfie with Bad Bunny…It is a good idea.

Hispanic voters have been courted by Nevada. This is because they can swing Nevada’s election results. The race between Adam Laxalt (R), and Catherine Cortez Masto (D), for the Senate seat is one of the most closely watched and will likely come down to Latino votes.

Segerblom (District E) is one of the more vulnerable all-Democrat Commissioners as he competes with Marco Hernandez, his ex-primary opponent. The 2018 primary attracted large amounts of money. After a recount, only 183 votes were required to decide the winner between the Democrats. Hernandez now runs as an independent candidate on the general election ballot in 2022.

Unlike Segerblom’s taxpayer-funded office, Hernandez wins points for answering the phone. Next, he tells me he is just leaving a “Dad’s in Schools” event, which scores more points in my book for volunteerism and student safety. These are A+-priorities.

I picked Hernandez’s brain about the proclamations and why his opponent turns the county commission into the Hollywood Walk of Fame; tapping Latino star-power for unexplained public splendor. Hernandez is, you probably guessed it, a true Latino-American. Hernandez is Vice President for the Laborers Union Local 872.

Local 872 is the kind of blue-collar union where people aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and break a sweat to build something great. Las Vegas was built by them and they still do. By putting local interests, work conditions and benefits first, it feels just like a union. They don’t believe in rampant ideology, they just see opportunities. And, they aren’t afraid to endorse Republicans, either.

AP/Reuters Feed Library

There’s something sharp about Hernandez, like the guy was forged from iron himself. He’s serious about his endeavors, even when it’s volunteering with dads on campus, but light with laughter as if he would always welcome a good punchline. He’s immediately likable.

Hernandez says it’s a priority to him to collaborate with the other commissioners. Addressing Latino voters, Hernandez tells RedState:

“I will not stand back and watch our neighborhoods continue to be ignored and fall through the cracks. As I have worked hard all my life for you, I will continue to work as hard. Working toward safer neighborhoods by continuing neighborhood cleanups, ensuring more jobs by voting for good projects, pushing for smart growth while acquiring needed amentities and localizing social services so they are more accessible.”

Now, my conservative readers might be wondering why I’m highlighting the former Democrat and union organizer who just said something about social services. Johnathan Rider, a Republican, is in this race. The answer to your question is He can.Hernandez won the 2018 race. Local 872 is the best union ’round these parts. He picks up the phone.

Here’s one of my best kept-secrets: I vote for people I can call. It’s a really easy rule of thumb. How can anyone represent me, if I can’t ever communicate with them? Before anyone screeches about “privilege,” let me remind you they don’t give out a Rolodex as a door prize at political events; it’s all networking.

If Segerblom’s policies weren’t bad enough, his office never returned my call to assist me in viewing the public declaration for Cheech and Chong Day. It was probably too much for our government to allow us to see a document that is almost meaningless. It’s not like I asked for financial reports, just the hokey proclamation. To top it off, as the daughter of a Cuban immigrant, I just don’t like the idea of politicians latching to Latino cultural figures to butter up voters. Oder, arguably the best institution of the state to clout-chasing.

Hernandez summarizes my feelings by saying RedState

“Most importantly, unlike our current leadership, I will be transparent and accessible to all of the people in our community.”

You can find the following: Today’s kids love to play. say: “…checks out.”

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