A new Rasmussen poll provides a frightening look at what many Democrats think about authoritarian societies and how they can force people to agree with them.
While Americans may be tired of COVID, it is surprising that so many Democrats are in favor of harsher measures being imposed on people who have not been vaccinated.
Most Democrats support vaccine mandates. But it doesn’t stop there.
A Heartland Institute poll and Rasmussen Reports survey found that 55 percent of Democrats support imposing a fine on people who refuse to be vaccinated. A government policy that requires citizens to stay in their homes for all time, with the exception of emergencies, would be supported by 59 percent. 45 percent favor forcing people to temporarily live in “facilities” if they refuse to get vaccinated. (Hello, camps!) A government-run tracking program is also supported by 47 percent.
That’s bad enough. However, then you will be subject to censorship and suppression. The narrative is not up for debate, and you must pay. Nearly half of Democrats think that the federal and state governments should have the power to imprison and fine people who question vaccine efficacy via social media, radio or on-line media. Democrats, are you fascist? This is where the “misinformation” campaign that we see rolling out — to shut down anything that differs from the acceptable narrative — ultimately ends up. They might be honest and check out all of the Democratic misinformation regarding COVID. Also, what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden said about it in 2020.
The worst part is that 29% of Democrats favor temporarily removing children from their families if parents refuse to get vaccines. Yikes.
It is transmitted via vaccination and has an over 98 percent chance of survival.
That’s some Orwellian stuff right there. But if you think it’s not real, you can go on social media, you can see some of that mania, all because of the fear porn pushed by the government and the media. As we reported yesterday, in the Salt Lake Tribune — not exactly a place one would think is a hotbed of liberalism — they had an op-ed saying the National Guard should have been deployed to keep those who couldn’t prove they were vaccinated locked in.
Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.
If it were a “truly civilized place.” And that’s Utah. The mania among Democrats in truly blue places is amazing. Yes, it’s bad, unhinged from all reality.
The Republicans and the Democrats are what keep us from becoming China and Australia.
independents/unaffiliated voters who swing the majority against all of the above measures in the poll. A point to remember when Democrats start talking about “attacks on democracy” and who is standing where, if you didn’t already have enough reasons to vote for Republicans.
Unfortunately, the dangerous Democratic attitude of Democrats will not change when the COVID variant surges begin to slow down.