We are here. Glenn Loury, a noted economist strikes again with incredible accuracy.
As we reported in mid-December, the Harvard professor of history needed just 105 seconds to burn the “white supremacy” lie to the ground. Loury has returned. Loury is back with some tough truths about the American education system, and how it has contributed to the declining work ethic for millions of Americans.
‘Our Americanness is much more important than our blackness’: Professor Glenn Loury https://t.co/D6TfXnNn4R via @collegefix
— The College Fix (@CollegeFix) December 30, 2021
“I think we need these [Asian] people,” Loury said in a December 20 conversation with University of Pennsylvania professor Amy Wax, a noted law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, as reported by Breitbart.
He kept going (emphasis my):
Let them be. I mean, in fact, that’s the only way we’re going to survive the challenge of the Chinese behemoth going forward another generation or twoYou see, I can’t help but notice. what’s going on in the legacy population — white and black — of the United States of America,
There are many things I like about this place. The mediocreI’m a big fan of. laggardlinessI’m a big fan of. Corruption and decayAnd so on. Many people don’t realise their human full potential […] I don’t know what the alternative is.
Thoughts? Talk straight, that’s for certain. Loury is right, however. I report, you decide.
Wax was surprised by Loury’s comments, noted Breitbart.“Think about what you’re saying,” she responded.
Glenn, we’ve got the whole heartland! We can’t just kind of give up … [on]This is all the population of the heartland. It is also the entire population of descendants of people who have built this nation, thought this country up for several centuries, and who conceived the basic framework and fundamental ideas.
Loury was unwavering in his belief:
I heard this argument against the visas — what do they call them? H-1B? They give businesses the ability to apply for special visas to allow them to hire talent, such as software engineers from South Asia.
This guy, I don’t want to name him, but he’s a relatively prominent defender of the American nationalist interest against the immigration of talent. He says, “I’ll tell you what: When Google and Microsoft can tell me who is the smartest kid coming out of the black ghetto of Oakland, or East Palo Alto […] [and] they tell me he’s not up to snuff, I’ll give them a visa to bring somebody in from South Asia. […]
He meant “I know the talent is there, there are diamonds in the rough, and they’re not looking for him and they don’t have any incentive to look for him because they’ve got an easy safety valve [with the visa workers].”
Loury suggested that the “threat” of Asian workers might sufficiently jolt America’s private sector and public education system to “find ways of bringing that human potential out in our domestic population.”
Maybe if the private sector didn’t have that safety valve of being able to go offshore for their talent, they’d be involved in school committee elections, they’d be involved in developing curricula, they’d be involved in innovative supplements to the K-to-12 education that people are not getting in the classroom and find ways of bringing that that human potential out in our domestic population. That is what I’d support.
He pressurized:
Is there anything wrong with a large number of Chinese, Indian, or Korean computer engineers and doctors, who are constantly creating value for society, enriching it? I don’t see how we lose from that.
What the left completely misses is the reality that Democrat programs and policies — some of which began six decades ago with Lyndon B. Johnson’s miserable failure, the War on Poverty — have been largely responsible for the decline in the work ethic inherent in various segments of American society.
And those programs and policies have continued, most recently with Biden continuing to pay people to sit at home during COVID — long after the pandemic as we knew it had passed. A record number of 4.5 Million Americans also quit their jobs in November. The September record-breaking 4.4 Million Americans quit their jobs.
Irish playwright and political activist George Bernard Shaw said it best: “A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”
That,The essence of the Democrat Party, however, is its gang. The Democrat Party is the essence of the gang. RealitätIt’s a helluva thing. Democrats Know it. The Democrat Party has demonstrated for many decades that all it stands for or against can be connected with the ballot box by connecting only two dots. In this case, Winning electionsAt All Costs, even up to the a negative impact on the work ethicThere are untold thousands of Americans.
Whether or not Glenn Loury’s solution is in the best interest of the country remains an open question.
With the Biden Border Crisis continuing unabated, Loury’s take might not sit well with conservatives who see the Democrats attempting to permanently change the demographics of America before our very eyes. Once we get to a place where the left tells you that the answer is math, it’s time for us to focus on what the correct answer really means. racistWhat direction are we heading? The left’s list of “low expectations” only continues to grow.
You can see the ballot box.
Here’s the entire, lengthy interview, from “The Glenn Show” YouTube channel:
RedState has more information:
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