Los Angeles children are living rough ever since 2020. For a whole year, they were forced from school to sit on their sofas pretending to be paying attention to Zoom. The mandated vaccines and mandatory mask requirements imposed on them, as well as the (meaningless) use of plexiglass barriers, made it difficult for them to be allowed back.
The helpful LA Teachers Union (United Teachers Los Angeles) has voted against the plan to cancel the first of the four extra learning days. These are designed to assist struggling students. Mind you, teachers would be paid for these days, but that’s not good enough because they have other plans. Instead of instructing, they’re going to be holding a rally downtown to demand increased pay and a host of other items detailed in their “Beyond Recovery” platform.
It’s better than actually teaching.
Teachers union telling teachers to boycott LAUSD voluntary learning day for students (where they’d get paid extra) and instead rally (without pay) for UTLA’s contract demands.#NotQuiteAStrike
https://t.co/itWKivJvg7 via @ladailynews— LA Parent Union ❄️😢 (@UTLAUncensored) August 19, 2022
Marcela Chagoya is a special education teacher.
Our students don’t need four optional extra school days, they need a district that is committed to investing in their future. The lack of transparency or planning around these ‘Accelerated Days’ makes clear that the district does not have a plan for these days and instead sees this as a cheaper alternative to investing in smaller class sizes, and more social, emotional and health resources for our students.
With teachers who care this much, it’s no wonder over 50,000 students didn’t show up at the start of the school year.
The LA Times reported that teachers supported the boycott.
This week, 18257 union members participated in the survey. The union reported that 93% of the respondents voted in favor of a boycott. This union includes counselors as well librarians and nurses.
You can tell the union’s priorities just by looking at the header on their Twitter page, which is also featured at the top of this article. Is it a teacher? It shows a student learning. The video shows a woman screaming into a bullhorn at an event, possibly making various demands. It should come as no surprise then to discover that the union president, Cecily Myart-Cruz, is a radical who tried to keep schools closed as long as possible during the pandemic (going so far as to say that California’s re-opening plan in 2021 was “propagating structural racism”) and who continues to spout inflammatory rhetoric in the few interviews she now gives. Jason McGahan was the reporter. Los Angeles Magazine Friday:
“There is no such thing as learning loss,” she [Myart-Cruz] responds when asked how her insistence on keeping L.A.’s schools mostly locked down over the last year and a half may have impacted the city’s 600,000 kindergarten through 12th-grade students. “Our kids didn’t lose anything. It’s OK that our babies may not have learned all their times tables. They developed resilience. They were able to survive. They developed critical thinking and survival skills. They can tell the difference between protest and riot. They can spell the words Insurrection coup.”
The head of the LA Teachers Union literally said “There is no such thing as learning loss.” https://t.co/2aGGCCQs38
— The Only Gary Johnson Stan (@colorblindk1d) August 26, 2022
“There is no such thing as learning loss.”This is what I feel as a parent. I was there to witness the loss of learning, mental illness struggles, and many other problems that affected children during lockdowns. You don’t need to take my word for it though; there are many studies showing severe a learning decline among our nation’s youth.
Myart Cruz is passionate about many issues, such as eliminating school police. However, it appears that she only cares for two. doesn’tTeachers and children should be taken into consideration. McGahan wrote:
…under Myart-Cruz’s stewardship, which began when she assumed office in the summer of 2020…[her] purview has been expanded to include a breathtaking range of far-flung progressive issues: racial justice, Medicare for all, the millionaire tax, financial support for undocumented families, rental and eviction relief—over the last 15 months, UTLA has championed them all. Many of these may be laudable aims, or at least worth debating, but they aren’t the sort of agendas normally pursued by your neighborhood teachers’ union. In what universe, after all, does UTLA’s recent boycott of Israel over the conflict with Hamas benefit the teachers—or students—of Los Angeles?
What is the point of this extremist personality being in charge at the Teachers Union? This is mind-boggling. She should be running AOC’s Twitter account.
The nation did so much to fail the most vulnerable members of society in the pandemic. UTLA was one of many teachers unions that behaved in a deplorable manner during this crisis. Instead of trying help children in need, this group would like to continue using them as bargaining chip.
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