Jordan Peterson, a psychologist and author of a video essay that he posted on YouTube, rebuked climate doom-peddlers who are woke globalists.
“Have you all noticed that food has become much more expensive?” Peterson asked in an Aug. 15 video. “That shelter has become much more expensive? It is much more costly to buy energy. That many consumer goods are simply unavailable?”
The video title chided, “Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe.” Life is becoming more difficult, Peterson explained, because of the so-called “energy transition,” advanced by what Peterson called believers in an “environmental apocalypse.”
Peterson pledged that he would resist the global fear campaign designed to strip people of freedom, and make their lives more complicated and expensive. “Leave us alone, you centralizers of power. You Gaia worshippers. You take advantage of other people’s wealth and property. These would-be planetsavers. You Machivellian pretenders and virtue-signallers, objecting to power, all the while you gather it around you madly.”
“Leave us alone,” Peterson added for emphasis.
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“Peddlers of environmental doom have shown their true totalitarian colours,” Peterson wrote in the headline of the original Aug. 15 article in The Telegraph His video is based upon.
Peterson’s call for resistance was continued in the video
“We will not advance without resistance through the straits of your enforced privation. We will not allow you to steal and destroy the energy that makes our lives bearable and that produces our food and shelter and housing and the sporadic delights of modern life, just to address your existential terror, particularly when it will fail to do so in any case.”
Peterson gave an alternative vision to the left’s green utopian fantasy, placing emphasis on economic growth.
“I learned that the fastest and most certain pathway forward to the future we all want and need — peaceful, prosperous, beautiful — is through the economic elevation of the absolutely poor,” he said.“Make the poor rich, and the planet will improve. You can at the very least help them get out of harm’s way as they attempt to become rich. This is the only way to make things worse for the poor. Perhaps worse beyond imagining.”
Celebrities, politicians and liberal media all have been repeatedly afraidmongered about climate change in the last few years. However they are not living up their words. For example, State Department Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry said at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in July that “We all have to be able to reduce the emissions. It is imperative that we accelerate this transition. We’re behind.”
That same month, Fox News revealed that Kerry’s private jet made a total of 48 trips and emitted an estimated 715,886 pounds of 325 metric tons of carbon.
Conservatives being attacked. Conservatives are being attacked. For more information, contact ABC News by calling 818-460-77777 or CBS News at 212-975-3243 and NBC News via 212-664-6192 to demand that they publish reports on climate hypocrites such as John Kerry and Bill Gates.