Novak Djokovic (Serbian tennis champion) is another victim of COVID at Australian cult headquarters. While the Australian Open champion hasn’t been administered COVID vaccine, he was already infected and has since recovered. Two separate medical boards cleared him to return to play without the vaccination, concluding that his natural immunity should satisfy Australia’s supposed safety protocols. Australia allowed Djokovic to enter, but then Djokovic celebrated his travels and everything went downhill.
The Australians were rightly outraged. After two years of increasingly fascIt istic and draconian lockdown punishments on the average Australian citizen, the fact that the nation’s leaders think it’s not safe for people to move about freely to work and school but it is Safe for top-class sporting events to continue should feel like a punch in the face. They let their leaders know as much, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison was then forced to pretend like he didn’t approve the entry of the world’s best tennis player into their tournament and held a press conference announcing his righteous indignation.
All of it was blatantly politically motivated and continues to be so. Australia claims they have revoked Djokovic’s exemptions and they are currently detaining him. However, Djokovic’s father made a public statement from Serbia on Thursday, directly and passionately contradicting the Australian authorities and accusing them of imprisoning his son. The senior Djokovic said this isn’t about safety but about humiliating his son, preventing him from competing fairly, and “stomping” on Serbia. The senior Djokovic then gave a passionate speech on the global creeping COVID fascism.
“Novak and his team filed the same documents as 25 other tennis players (who received exemptions) and they didn’t have any problems, just Novak.They wanted to humiliate him. They could have said ‘don’t come Novak’ and that would have been okay. But no, they wanted to humiliate him and they’re still keeping him in prison. He’s not in detention, he’s in prison. They took his belongings, including his wallet. Then they left him without a phone or change of clothes. They have taken our pride and made him a prisoner for these stupid people. Shame on them. The whole world, together with Serbia, should be proud. This isn’t a battle for Serbia and Novak, it’s a battle for billions of people, for freedom of expression, for free speech, freedom of behavior. Novak didn’t break any laws, just as seven billion people didn’t break any laws, they want to subdue us and for us all to be on our knees.”
The Djokovic dad is right on the money! This was done to humiliate Djokovic father! It’s time to stop this insanity.
— leilani dowding 🌸 (@LeilaniDowding) January 6, 2022
Jerry Wilson (my colleague) summarizes the true issue in his earlier article on Djokovic’s mess.
One, there can be zero doubt Morrison felt compelled to go full blustery buffaloing bull due to major pushback from Australian citizens who, from the COVID panicdemic’s onset, have been subjected to abuse of the worst kind by their government in the name of slowing the spread. Which, to the surprise of no one, hasn’t worked. The sheeple media has attempted to paint a picture of public hue and cry over Djokovic’s original exemption. Still, in Realville, the anger is aimed at their own government’s sledgehammering of its citizens. (Yo, Aussies — might I suggest voting different next time around?)
Second, and perhaps even more important, is how the “trust the science” brigade, said science fervently hoping short-term memory loss is in play so no one will remember the “science” can’t tell the same story two days consecutively, is that Djokovic has protection against COVID those who’ve been jobbed by getting the jive jab do not enjoy. Namely, having already had, and recovered from, COVID. The best form of immunity is natural immunity.
This isn’t about COVID anymore. It’s about control and we all know that now and Novak Djokovic’s father is simply saying the quiet part out loud at this point.
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