Almost two weeks ago, on October 14, NewsBusters reportedLearn more The Washington Post took their sweet time discovering the high school rape cases in Loudoun County, Virginia but omitted key details like the fact the first one happened in a girl’s bathroom, and how the attacker was “gender-fluid.” But there’s a new wrinkle in their reporting as NewsBusters recently discovered The PostThey had stolenthily edited the article to add the victim’s sexual identity, just days after we reported them.
This is possible thanks to the Way Back Machine Archived VersionOf The Post article had no mention of the fact the attacker identified as “gender-fluid.” But in Current versionThey mention this in paragraph 4. They tried to discredit it.
Parents of the victimThe Stanley Law Group issued Thursday a statement blaming school officials in response to the initial alleged assault. They asserted that the charged youth is “gender-fluid” and that the incident occurred in a girls’ bathroom. Authorities have yet to confirm these details.
In was the first time that these additional details appeared. Archived version available starting October 15.The day following NewsBusters’ call. And the only notation that anything was added was this five-word line buried at the very bottom of the piece: “This story was updated.” There was no explanation of what was added.
“The parents spoke out against a policy put in place by the school board several months later, in August, allowing students to use bathrooms that match their gender identities. It was unclear if the policy existed at the time the incident occurred.” further wrote Jasmine Hilton, Hannah Natanson, and Justin Jouvenal.
The key detail they omitted that time was that while “At the time of the alleged incident, the [bathroom] policy was not in place,” the radical liberal school board was in the process of trying to get that policy enacted and The attack was covered up.
Fast forward to Monday October 25, when Loudoun County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court found attacker guilty for the first rape. The alleged second was still under the legal system, and Jouvenal was not the one to write about. The latest developments
He kept downplaying the victim’s sexual identity and retold the story about the time the new bathroom policy was in effect.
This case attracted national and local attention. the parents of the girl assaulted in May said the charged youth was “gender fluid,”A policy that allowed transgender students in Loudoun County to have bathrooms that matched their gender identity has sparked a renewed protest. This policy was established after the May attacks.
Jouvenal also continued to ignore the school board’s cover-up. “Parents have expressed anger at the decision, questioning why their child was permitted to go to another school as he waited for his trial.” he simply wrote.
And throughout the piece, he seemed to hint that the girl wasn’t really a victim because “the 15-year-old victim in the first case testified she had consensual sexual encounters with the defendant on two occasions in a girls’ bathroom…” Jouvenal also strangely noted her parents were “gratified by the outcome of the case.”