Washington Post Mocks DCCC for ‘Worst Defense’ of ‘Biden Administration Yet’

The Washington PostPhillip Bump published a recently published article that took a surprising swing at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Bump’s piece, titled “This might be the worst defense of the Biden administration yet,” criticized the DCCC’s suggestion that Americans should thank Biden for a less than one percent decrease in gas prices over the course of November.

Bump’s piece highlighted this tweet from the DCCC’s official twitter account, dated December 2, 2021.


He pointed out that this chart is quite attractive until you notice that the Y-axis to the left only covers an absurdly narrow range.

If the scale at the left were to go from zero up to four dollars per gallon, this decrease would be amazing. It’s almost like you get free gas. This is certainly something to be excited about.

The scale is not used by the axis. Instead, the line drops from about $3.40 to about $3.38, as marked on the y-axis — or, in layman’s terms, a decline of two cents. And since we’re talking about two cents out of nearly four dollars, that graph depicts a drop in the price of gas of just under 1 percent of the cost.

A two-cent decrease in gasoline prices between November and December is not noticeable on its own. But it gets worse, Bump noted: “Since Biden took office, the price of gas has risen more than a dollar on this same measure.”

Sometimes even the Washington Post is taking swings at the DCCC, you know they’ve done something embarrassing.

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