Walt Disney Is Rolling in His Cryo-Freezer – Opinion

Walt Disney passed away in 1966. Claims that he was cryogenically frozen in hopes that he’d be thawed and brought back (maybe as a greeter at Tomorrowland) have been credibly disputed but to my knowledge, never completely refuted. Walt would be 121 and even if he is frozen like a bag of peas and could be unfrozen like Austin Powers, I think it’s likely he’d opt to go back into the freezer.

Walt Disney was a king and he avoided all political messages. The Disney Co. was not a PAC, but an entertainment business. The company was in business to entertain all children. But the modern version of Disney’s company has gotten distinctly political and rather selective in its moral outrage. Disney has no shame in being in the company of Communist China. The film was shot in Xinjiang, China. Uyghur were imprisoned and abused. It then thanked slavers who helped. It would be like filming Pirates of the Caribbean on a slave ship then thanking the slavers for the “cool set.” Disney has a selector switch on its outrage button. The communist China is thanked. Florida is outraged

Florida proposed, and the legislature passed it. Bill on Parental Rights and Education in the legislature, Disney’s response was muted. Inmates at the asylum rebelled and marched out against Disney.  The walkout was to oppose the bill, a bill critics and media characterized as “The Don’t Say Gay Bill.” I add the media in with the crazies, because you cannot read a single hard news report that doesn’t call it the pejorative “Don’t Say Gay” bill as opposed to its actual name. Nowhere in the bill does it say “gay.” It’s not a difficult read. It’s seven pages long. This ban does not permit teachers to insert sexuality into their curriculums or give ad-hoc instructions about it. It can be sued by parents if this happens. It’s limited to Kindergarten through 3Rd grade – meaning that it simply stops teachers from influencing little children. Children who continue to believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, shouldn’t be taught about sexuality. They should also not receive any messages telling them they are wrong.

The Florida bill doesn’t influence parents on how they, as parents, can instruct their own kindergartener on gender. Parents are still free to tell a child who can’t keep crayons inside the lines that “There are 20 genders.” The vast majority of parents will leave that discussion for when their child isn’t just starting to read Cat in the Hat. The majority of Democrats also agree with Ron DeSantis’s Florida legislation. The general public, by a wide margin, sees no valid reason for a stranger to teach a six-year-old girl that she’s “in the wrong body” and needs to be called a boy. This polling only matters to the Democrats. The percentage of parents who support letting children remain children would soar if pollsters only asked them.

I interacted on Twitter with Nikki Fried — a Democrat running for governor in Florida. DeSantis’ signature was met with a statemanlike response from Fried.

Left-leaning parties love inventing fake labels that distract from real life.  This one – “Don’t Say Gay” — is easy to repeat and it can be distilled into one word, “Gay.” It would be a smart strategy if it weren’t completely unmoored from reality and unpopular generally.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it originated with Disney. It’s pretty Mickey Mouse. It’s been employed with vigor by the usual suspects, Democrats intent on gaslighting and actors intent on scoring virtue points. This was done again at last night’s Oscars, where all acting seals squealed in delight.

Disney as a company went from mildly objecting to now vowing to “fight” it. When I took corporation law in law school, I was told that publicly owned corporations aren’t supposed to engage in activity detrimental to shareholder value.  Disney does it. Things have changed. Companies are more afraid of their employees now than they are shareholders.

Disney has chosen to be on one side. It’s sided with the hard left and those who want to propagandize to kindergarteners. Disney has no problem with children who have difficulty counting up to 20. They are told that there are 20 genders. No, thank you, I’ll side with sanity.

I canceled my Disney+ subscription long ago, so the best I can do is repeat:  “Don’t say Disney” — and mean it.

Walt Disney rolls in his freezer.

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