When Russia attacked Ukraine, “experts” said the country would fall within days.
However, it isn’t.
The reason for this is because the Russian military was not as efficient as many people believed.
A second surprise is the courage with which Ukrainians defended their homeland.
The third reason was that volunteers all over the world stepped up to offer their assistance.
Foreign Legion was founded by people with combat experiences. The country’s healthcare system is maintained by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. Many others also do humanitarian work like distribution of food and medicines.
My VideoMaxim Lott, executive producer at Stossel TV, went to Ukraine this week to capture their work.
Didrik Gunnestad from Norway, 27, was the ambulance driver. He was accompanied by him. Gunnestad carried supplies and drove the sick out of danger areas.
“It was learning by doing,” he says. It was urgently needed that ambulances be available. “Most things that happen here are done by volunteers, not government officials.”
American Tom Palmer from the Atlas Network think-tank raised $1 million to help Ukraine. It was flown to Poland, and later driven some into Ukraine. To find the most urgent areas of aid, he worked alongside volunteers from Ukraine.
“It was just astonishing to see this network emerge,” says Palmer. “It wasn’t centrally directed … (Volunteers) solved a lot of micro problems that big hierarchies can’t see.”
They also decrease waste.
“There is a lot of loss (in big charities like the Red Cross),” says Gunnestad. “Not that someone is skimming off the top; it’s just the cost of being a big organization.”
Even more bureaucratic are government agencies.
The government of Poland does indeed want to support Ukraine but the bureaucracy can make it difficult. Gunnestad, Lott and their driver went to the depot from which Gunnestad previously collected donated goods. They found out that bureaucracy had altered the rules. Gunnestad had to send a letter to Poland to request supplies. The two of them left the country empty handed because they had no time for waiting.
It is difficult enough for even the Ukrainian government to allow volunteers to bring goods. The majority of people have to wait for long lines at the border. This summer Lott and Gunnestad had to wait in long lines at the border.
At the very least, ambulances are allowed to bypass the line.
“But sometimes there’s a guard who doesn’t like it,” says Gunnestad. “We have had patients almost dying because of guards like that.”
As he drove past the long line of trucks, he sighed and said, “I feel so sorry for the drivers of the trucks. Some could be in line for days, or even a week!”
Many of those truckers are trying to bring in needed supplies, but “they were only allowing 400 Ukrainian trucks per day,” says Palmer. “That’s just nothing. They could have brought in more inspectors. If you need to inspect them, get more inspectors!”
However, the bureaucracy did not.
“You have maybe seven checkpoints, but only two are open,” complains Gunnestad. “They could at least open all seven.”
Lott notes, “Volunteers can’t do everything. They can’t provide fuel and supply military equipment. But they are saving lives.”
Gunnestad’s staff, for instance, collects overburdened patients and transports them to smaller facilities.
These supplies are also delivered to the most neglected hospitals in Ukraine. Gunnestad states that many small hospitals receive no support from either the Red Cross and the government. “We have a chance to help places that’s forgotten,” he says.
Gunnestad’s work can be supported by you donating GoFundMe page. This is a way for Ukrainians to be helped without having to take the same risks as Gunnestad.
The bullets landed on his ambulance. He was able to escape without injury.
“I always have been the person who runs into dangerous situations,” he says. “I think this work is so meaningful that I’m willing to die for it.”