Virginia’s Attorney-General Elect Is Asked If He Will Investigate Loudoun County School Board And His Answer Is Shockingly Simple – Opinion

Jason Miyares became a part of Virginia’s historic “red wave” on Tuesday night when he defeated the incumbent Attorney-General to become the first hispanic attorney-general in the state’s history.

The election of Miyares, alongside Youngkin’s huge win, signals a longing of the people to return to some semblance of order and representation.

At a Thursday press conference to announce his transition team, Miyares spoke about his desire to get back to basics for the AG’s office. He spoke of how his predecessor described his desire to make the AG’s office into a “progressive powerhouse” and how the new goal is to return to focusing on safety and law enforcement support. Miyares said it is more important than ever to be focusing on criminal prosecution at a time when the murder rate in Virginia is higher than it’s been in two decades.

But perhaps the most interesting thing Miyares said involved a single word answer to question that is on everyone’s mind, and was asked by one reporter during the press conference.

“Do you plan to investigate Loudoun County public schools and the recent school assaults that have happened there?”

Miyares’ answer was short and sweet and to the point.


Perfect. It was perfect. Loudon County schools have become a disaster and Loudon County’s school board has been a threat. They will be investigated and prosecuted by the public agency charged with protecting citizens.

This is more.

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