Vermont Makes History, Starts Handing Out Condoms to 12-Year-Olds – Opinion

It’s official: Vermont has made history.

WCAX reports that the Green Mountain State is the first state to offer condoms for preteens.

Governor. Phil Scott signed legislation requiring public schools to make condoms readily available for students.

The initiative includes 7th graders, who — excepting situations of double promotion — may be as young as 12.

The schools must also provide instruction on how to use such anal, vaginal and oral sex accessories.

As noted by South Burlington’s CBS3, the distribution and instruction will be “inclusive of gender identity, sexuality and ethnicity.”

And who’s footing the bill? In Vermont’s case, the prophylactics will be provided by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England.

Though signed in 2020, the program didn’t go into effect ’til July.

Statute 16 V.S.A. § 132 reads thusly:

To prevent unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted disease, every school district must make condoms freely available for all secondary students. The best way to distribute condoms to students will be determined by the school district administration teams in collaboration with the school district nursing staff. At a minimum, condoms shall be placed in locations that are safe and readily accessible to students, including the school nurse’s office.

As noted by the New York Post, in passing the above, the home of Bernie Sanders became the first in America “to require all public middle and high schools to give students access to free condoms.”

Per the outlet, Vermont’s move followed its 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Assessment finding 40 percent of high schoolers were sexually active.

Another indication: Only half were using condoms.

What effect will the use of the accessories free you have on the effectiveness of preventative applications?

Whether yes or no, I can’t help but believe it’ll also bolster the other metric.

The new law, however, is not surprising.

There once was a time — a very long time, by the way — when virtue and morality involved behavior. Nowadays, virtue can be achieved via hashtags.

Real-world restrained lifestyle options seem to have lost their luster.

And it’s no wonder — we’ve lost our religion, therefore abandoning our moral compass.

With faith comes purpose. Nothing seems to be meaningful anymore.

This applies equally to what we say and do.

Innocence and childhood were valued once more than ever. However, the children have matured: When elementary schoolers can make their own gender identities with the help of chemical and surgical modifications in the near future, they will be able to make adult sexual choices such as intercourse.

We were more fortunate when we went back to our innocence.

America has a hole in its heart.

And we don’t appear poised to see it filled:

What if that were to change?

You can.

But in the meantime, in Vermont — whatever else is happening in schools — sex education is alive and well.

Not as thriving as it used to be: the idea that kids shouldn’t be having sex.

Intriguingly, Phil Scott is also a Republican.



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