USPS Cancels Mail Delivery In L.A. Neighborhood Amid Crime Spike – Opinion

The news out of California is increasingly more dystopian with each day’s passing. This state, which was once associated with the American Dream, has become synonymous with violence and crime, homelessness and drug addiction, as well as filthy cities.

It continues as usual. A Los Angeles suburb was forced by an increase of attacks against mail carriers to suspend mail service to its residents this week.

A January attack on a USPS mail carrier while she was delivering mail to Santa Monica’s 1300 block of 14th Street resulted in an injury. The USPS issued a notice explaining that they were suspending mail delivery to the area a few weeks later.  CBSLA

Residents in the area were delivered notices from USPS, disclosing that “delivery service is hereby suspended to all addresses located on the 13-hundred block of 14th street.”

It is not surprising that homeowners living in this area were upset by the act of one person.

“My immediate reaction was just disappointment… frustration,” said Courtney Smith.

The USPS directed residents to go to the nearest branch and pick up mail.

It was noted that there had been an increase in violent incidents against mail carriers within the area.

Multiple carriers have suffered assaults or threats of violence from an attacker who has yet to be located. Our highest priority is the safety of both our employees as well as mail that they deliver to your home. Delivery services cannot be suspended until we are able to ensure their safety.

Authorities have indicated they are familiar with the individual responsible for the January attack and have a record of “domestic” incidents with the suspect.

California justice is plagued by this problem. An insane, disturbed and violent person can cause serious injury (or even death) to an innocent citizen. Almost all cases show that the individual has had a history of interactions with law enforcement. They’ve simply been dumped back onto the streets by a feckless system that no longer has the teeth to hold and prosecute criminals or protect innocent taxpayers.

The suspension does not just concern one case. It’s a sign that there is more to the problem. “Defund the Police” initiatives, Prop 47, and a cold-hearted, ruling elite class have all combined to create a chaos that is nearly unbearable in the once great state of California.

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.” 

Santa Monica doesn’t have snow, or a lot of rain, and its coastal location keeps the temperature nearly perfect. But it looks like it does have the one thing that can stop the post office…unchecked crime and a government unwilling to do anything about it.

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