Upholding Conservatism and the Doing of the Thing – Opinion

Some years back, Christian singer/songwriter Bob Bennett’s first marriage fell apart. He wrote the song while analyzing the wreckage. It examines how all of the outside trappings of marriage are useless without the true vows and commitment that makes marriage the real thing. Namely, God-ordained holy marriage.

This song came to mind while sifting through the assorted and occasionally sordid responses to a recent post regarding the Nancy Mace — Marjorie Taylor Greene spat. (Speaking of which, I highly recommend reading Bonchie’s take on the political implications — more accurately, the lack thereof — of the matter.) It suggested that instead of social media fighting, the pair should meet up and discuss their differences in an adult manner. Alarmingly, many completely ignored this focal point in favor of variations on a theme of Rep. Greene as conservatism’s latest YASSS QWEEN. She fights for something.

It is alarming how behavior properly relegated to a children’s playground is accepted and excused the moment politics and its various living chess pieces become involved. The cries of “they started it” ring throughout social media whenever suggestions of turning down the rhetoric and turning up the rapport arise. The battle cry is “Fight fire with fire!” Sometimes, yes. But far more often, this approach’s sole achievement is transforming a victorious opportunity into a tendentious draw solving nothing. Always using the other side’s tactics against them embraces shortsightedness; a one-note samba on a polyphonic keyboard. If you see the opposition engaging in self-destructive practices or a pattern of addiction, please politely let them continue.

A polite rebuttal that is grounded in facts and reason will always have more impact than trying outshouting the opposing side. Responding to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s recent tweets regarding the Supreme Court’s hearing of arguments regarding the Mississippi Gestational Age Act would be a case in point.

Two possible solutions are available. AOC could be called every name in this book. A simple disapproval of every attempt at her point would be the second. Brett Kavanaugh has not been accused of any credible or corroborated sexual assault. Donald Trump didn’t attempt to overthrow the United States government. Not at all. Three of the nine judges sitting on this court cannot or will decide anything. “Legalize forcing people to give birth against their will” implies most, if not all, pregnancies stem from the spontaneous generation of a baby, which will come as quite a surprise to the science we are constantly lectured to trust. Finally, “legitimacy requires consent of the governed” implies we function in a majority-rule democracy, which is not the case. The United States of America is a constitutional republic. The Constitution of the United States is a constitutional republic. It should also be mentioned that the consent of the governed was not a constant upholder for what has been deemed good throughout history. The governed gave their consent to Christ’s death. Through silence and obedience, the governed accepted Christ’s crucifixion. There are many more.

It is not new to think that a firm adherence of conservative principles will automatically make you a street fighter. There are occasions when you have to raise the black flag or get into the trenches. Yet, one should not forget that there are more occasions when one can disarm the opposition by smiling and consuming unrelenting amounts of logic, facts, and reason. Remember Paul’s words:

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. Contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
If he’s thirsty, offer him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”

Be strong and resist evil.

You are the authority in the room. Demonstrate conservatism’s superiority by being the better. Let go of childish excuses and ways to get around it. Think. Lay down the empty symbolism of being a “fighter.” Instead, embrace the doing of the thing. Always.

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