Univision Anchor Insists “Inflation Reduction Act” WON’T Raise Taxes on Poor, Working Class

The Latino networks opened the week´s news cycle by shilling for the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”. Univision anchor Carolina Sarassa even insisted that it “adheres to (Biden’s) promise not to increase taxes on families or companies that earn less than $400,000 a year”, as opposed to what experts have warned will happen.

Yet, while Telemundo, Univision, and CNN En Español, inflated their stories with details about how the bill will tackle health, climate change, and impose a minimum 15% tax on corporations, they were tightlipped about the $80 billion assigned to hire 87,000 new IRS agents.

Watch as Sarassa and Univision D.C. correspondent Edwin Pitti breathlessly endorse the bill, which they celebrated as a “significant victory”, while skimming over damaging information with a vague “different federal programs will be paid for with the proposed 15% corporate tax rate”:

CAROLINA SARASSA – President Joe Biden announces his victory. This is a project that focuses on several issues, including climate change and health care. It also includes taxes. However, it is quite far from his ambitious proposal, but which adheres to (Biden’s) promise not to increase taxes on families or companies that earn less than $400,000 a year. Edwin Pitti, the Capital’s resident economist, has more information. Edwin. Go ahead.

EDWIN PITTI (English): Yes, that’s correct. Good afternoon. Expectations are rising after the extended debate in the Senate that ran throughout the weekend, which resulted in the 50-50 passage on a party-line vote of the “Inflation Reduction Act”, giving President Joe Biden a significant victory.

However, Vice President Kamala Harris had to be present to end the tie. No Republican was willing to do so.

We are referring to the fact that Medicare now has the power to negotiate prices for medications. That directly benefits Medicare beneficiaries over age 65, who will no longer have to pay $2,000 annually in drug expenses. Also, we are referring to a minimum 15% corporate tax rate that will be used for funding federal programs.

Climate matters are a historical investment of $369 billion to combat climate change. It is also important to aim for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions before the end of this decade. Additionally, the bill seeks credit to companies and individuals that purchase solar panels.

What date can we expect it to become law? This bill will be approved by the Democratic majority and signed into law by Joe Biden as soon this week. Edwin Pitti is reporting from Washington.

BORJA VOCES : Edwin, I am very thankful for this report.

This is why this little bit of missing information is so crucial for viewers of Hispanic news channels. The proposed IRS new army of agents will not target the Acela-corridor rich. It’s far more probable that audits will target poor, middle-class, small business owners and their primary audience, undocumented migrants who pay taxes using the Individual Taxpayer identification Number (ITIN). 

But why talk about that when what matters is that people struggling to put food on their table will get credits “to use solar panels, or buy electric cars or vehicles? It’s all thanks to the historic investment of $369 million dollars in fighting climate change. (It will be interesting to see who gets the contracts for “fighting climate change”- and we will be watching).

So, as the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” continues to make its way through Congress, we can expect more propaganda to come out of the Latino nets that mirrors the mainstream corporate media; news reporting that increasingly conforms to political agendas instead of true,  honest journalism.

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