University Offers ‘Happiness Studies’ Graduate Degree for Less Than Twenty Grand – Opinion

College can be confusing — what kind of program should you pursue?

In ancient times, it was sensible to choose history, English science and math.

Thankfully, today’s secondary education presents a veritable panoply of options, much more colorful than the dreary days of yore:

University of Central Florida Graduate Certificate in Social Justice and Public Service

Graduate Certificate in Antiracism (University of North Carolina)

Bachelor of Arts, Queer Ethnic Studies (San Francisco State University).

Bachelor of Arts in Antiracist Studies (Keene State College)

Master of Arts (San Francisco State University), Bachelor in Race and Resistance Studies

Minor in Racial Justice, Equity and Inclusion (University of Nebraska)

And it’s a good thing — contemporarily, even many secretarial jobs require an undergraduate diploma.

What if it was the first? Four Five six years of college don’t leave you personally fulfilled? In the event that you’re sullen over success on the Bachelor rung, just take out a loan and climb higher — for your Master’s in “Happiness Studies.”

New Jersey’s Centenary University is offering a graduate degree in that very thing.

Per the official announcement, it’s eminently applicable:

Centenary University’s Master of Arts (M.A.) In Happiness Studies, the Master of Arts degree at Centenary University is designed for students who want to move into management and supervisory positions in any field.

Sunnily, you can absorb all the academic mirth and still be in bed. You have not had to shower in weeks.

For this program of 30-credits, we offer an easy online option.

Additionally, you’ll be elatedly learning from an Ivy League expert:

Tal Ben-Shahar, a world-renowned professor and author in the areas of leadership and happiness is Dr. Tal. After graduating from Harvard with a BA in Philosophy and Psychology and a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, Tal taught two of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history: Positive Psychology and The Psychology of Leadership. Later, Tal taught Happiness Studies in Columbia University. A prolific writer, Tal’s books have appeared on best-sellers lists around the world and have been translated into more than 30 languages.

As if that weren’t enough, Tal “consults and lectures to executives in multinational corporations, educational institutions, and the general public.”

He’s the creator of the Certificate in Happiness Studies and the Happier School programs, and he even co-founded the Happiness Studies Academy.

These are the top ten fields in which your degree would fit.

  • Human Resources
  • Administrators and educators
  • Leaders and managers in the private sector
  • Managers and Leadership for Nonprofits

The following courses are part of the Peppy Program:

  • GHS Foundations of Happiness Studies 500
  • GHS 501 Introduction to Happiness Studies
  • GHS 502 Integrative Leadership on Happiness
  • GHS 503 Facilitating happiness
  • GHS 504 Philosophy and Happiness
  • GHS 506 Wholebeing Coaching
  • GHS 507 Happiness In Literature And Film

You’ll even get to take a trip:

A SPIRE Retreat (four credits)

In this course, students get to apply as well as deepen their understanding of much of what they’ve learned in previous courses. The focus will be on bringing together reflection and action (ReflAction) for the purpose of personal and collective transformation — for students to help themselves become happier, as well as for students to learn how to help others do the same. The average student will spend 80 minutes per day engaging in both individual and group activities to cultivate SPIRE.

  • Meditation
  • There are many forms of journaling
  • Set goals
  • Yoga
  • Get active
  • Breathwork
  • Notifications

Fox News noted that the entire ecstatic effort will delightly drain your future shining self to the tune $17,700.

The cost of thirty credit hours is $590. Given that, the SPIRE Retreat is a blissful bargain — how else could you learn “breathwork” and “reminders” for under $2,360? And how otherwise might you sit at the feet of an orator to the “general public” for less than the cost of a 2022 Mitsubishi Mirage?

There’ll be no mere mirage of merriness — you’ll have literally mastered happiness. Other degree recipients may feel depressed due to their overwhelming debt; but not you — your piece of paper proves it.

Your happiness will have cost quite a lot, but now it’s there to ease the pain. It’s the wound that heals itself — even though the healing hurts.

Education was intended to impart practical skills in the past. These days, we’re more enlightened. The importance of happiness is undeniable.

And in this new age, there’s even a giddy way of unloading yourself of those loans. We’ve known since the days of John Harvey Kellogg that a happy gut makes for a happy girl or guy. Here’s a side gig to help start your debt-free journey.



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All my RedState works Click here.

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