Unhinged Hostin FLIPS OUT: ‘Can’t Build Consensus With Crazy People!’

Things got heated on Wednesday’s edition of The View as co-host Sunny Hostin blew up at guest-host and Lincoln Project-conservative Tara Setmayer after the former suggested that President Biden can’t govern via executive order. Hostin was so unhinged that she started shouting about how “You can’t build consensus with crazy people!”

After co-host Whoopi goldberg mentioned recent remarks by Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D–NY), warning Democrats that the next midterm elections were going to be difficult, the host started yelling.

“No. This is the absolute wrong lesson that Democrats have learned from what happened in the last year,” decried Setmayer. “The country is not left-of-center. We are a moderate country, independents dominate the electorate and its swing districts that make a difference.”

Adding: “It is a five-seat margin in the House of Representatives right now, and historically it looks like it’s going to be a blood bath for the Democrats if they don’t turn things around.”

Setmayer was openly transparent about her motives when she began strategizing against Republicans and Democrats.



The way is to not go: pull to the left, and engage in these disputes that provide the Republicans with the ammunition needed for their culture wars. They need to be able to see the lies being used by Republicans and to demand that Democrats take action to hold them accountable for these districts.

Hostin then suggested AOC was not “worried about … the health of this country” and “the families of this country.”After that, she went onto discuss what allegedly popular progressive policies were.

These policies are what I am referring to. There’s 84 per cent support for paid maternal leave. I’m surprised Republicans don’t think that’s a good thing. 75% support child care funding from the government. 60% support increasing the minimum wage. A tuition-free, state-run public college is supported by 57 percent. 54% support Medicare for All, which is a broad consensus.

“Until they find out who pays for it and then that changes,” Setmayer sniped.

A short time later, Setmayer pointed out that AOC “wants President Biden to rule by executive order which is not how our system works.”

Hostin was prompted to shout:

HOSTIN – But he must.


HOSTIN: Crazy people are not able to reach consensus! Insurrectionists are not able to build consensus! You can’t do it.

It was an explosion of screaming for the next few second as the cast started to fight. Goldberg needed to pull them together.

Dawn and Ensure sponsored Dawn to make this unhinged outburst possible. The link will take you to their contact information.

Below is the transcript. Click “expand to read:

ABC’s The View
March 30, 2022
Eastern, 11:15:14

WHOOPI OLDBERG: This is a new article. New YorkIn a magazine interview, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez warned Democrats about the possibility of being in serious trouble when they enter the midterms. She thinks they’re still in the game, but “the president and modern Democrats need to stop thinking they can return to an era where a backroom deal with the GOP could be reached because that kind of thinking killed the Build Back Better bill.” Do you agree?



SETMAYER: No. This is the wrong lesson Democrats should have taken from the past year. It is not left-ofcenter. Our country is moderate. Independents are the majority in the electorate. It’s our swing districts that really make a difference. The margin is five seats in the House of Representatives at the moment, and it seems like it will be a bloodbath for Democrats if it doesn’t change.

You don’t have to move to the left to get involved in the squabbles which give Republicans ammunition for the culture wars. They need to be able to see the lies being used by Republicans and to demand that Democrats take action to hold them accountable for these districts.

Only 13 of the 269 competitive swing districts are currently being redistricted. This is not much. AOC is safe. It’s not something that she has to worry about. The progressives are in safe districts they don’t determine the House of Representatives’ control.

SUNNY HOSTIN – What she’s worried about is the state of our country. Right? And she’s worried about the families of this country. Progressive policies are popular all across the board. They are very popular with Republicans and with Independents.

These policies are what I am referring to. There’s 84 per cent support for paid maternal leave. I’m surprised Republicans don’t think that’s a good thing. 75% support child care funding from the government. 60% support increasing the minimum wage. 56 percent support tuition-free public state colleges. 54% support Medicare for All, which is a broad consensus.

SETMAYER: They don’t know who will pay for it until then.


JOY BEHAR. It is the messaging.

SETMAYER is it messaging.

BEHAR: And the Democrats — I think AOC has a point when she talks about, this is not the old days when Tip O’Neil would negotiate with Strom Thurman. Those days are – whatever it was. It’s hard to remember. These days are over.

SETMAYER: She also wishes President Biden would rule through executive orders, which isn’t how the system works.

HOSTIN – But he must.

SETMAYER (No, he doesn’t).

HOSTIN – You cannot build consensus with mad people! It’s impossible to reach consensus with rebellious people! You can’t do it.


GOLDBERG (trying to get them to stop by talking over them): I asked you this question when we were talking about – we were talking about –

HOSTIN: Voters.

GOLDBERG: The election results and the fix for the voting system.


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