TWO BIG LIES: Univision Parroted Maskgate Long After It Was Debunked

Univision pounced at a chance to vilify Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch over “Maskgate”, which was based on an NPR report. Univision viewers got two major lies even after the NPR reports were debunked.

You can watch the complete report on Univision. Edición Digital:

Noticiero Univision: Edición Digital 


CAROLINA SARASSA, CAROLINA SARASSA: The use of masks by the Supreme Court remains controversial. Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that she works from home as she does not feel safe enough to spend time with her fellow Justice Neil Gorsuch who do not use face masks. Sotomayor, who is also diabetic, knows the danger of getting COVID. She claims that she had raised concerns to Chief Justice John Roberts and no decisions have been made.

The report aired at 12:03 Eastern, roughly a half hour after news broke of the joint statement issued by Justices Gorsuch and Sotomayor, in which they said: “Our surprise at the report that Justice Sotomayor wanted Justice Gorsuch wearing a mask was not true.  False.  Despite our differences on the law sometimes, we remain close friends and colleagues.” Univision went ahead and produced the report. Carolina Sarassa finally read the report. However, there are many systemic failings at play in this news division. It represents Hispanics to be arbiters truth and facts. 

It was the first lie. The second lie was Sotomayor’s claim that he worked from his home. Maskgate was founded on THE LEAD PARAGRAPH, a NPR report.

The U.S. Supreme Court justices took to the court for the first-time since the holiday omicron surge. It was quite jarring. Everyone was now covered in masks. Justice Neil Gorsuch was the exception. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, on the other hand, was absent and chose to speak through her chambers via a microphone..

The East Coast report was broadcast live, and Univision did not correct the West Coast edition that was also available on PrendeTV. Several hours later, Chief Justice John Roberts would issue a statement of his own wherein he states: “I did not request Justice Gorsuch or any other Justice to wear a mask on the bench.”

Univision has not yet corrected the situation and it remains to be determined if one will ever get issued.


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