Tucker Carlson Calls out Mehmet Oz, Explains How Oz Could Defeat Fetterman – Opinion

Fox News host Tucker Carlson began his monologue on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” with a message to Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz. Carlson attempted to warn the GOP in advance of November’s midterm elections. As Democrats appear to gain momentum in Senate races, I reported Friday.

Carlson opened his monologue with the following statement on Friday:

“Last night we told you the sad and bewildering story of Dr. Oz, a man with absolutely everything going for him — talent, decency, charm, money, name recognition, all the right endorsements — who is nevertheless losing by a big margin as a Republican in what should be a Republican wave election to a radical and incompetent Democratic lieutenant governor who has presided over the decline of the state and who, by the way, also has had a stroke and can no longer speak in complete sentences. That’s happening right now.”

Carlson was shocked that Fetterman would win in November. Oz was also a poor candidate, Carlson said.

“Dr. Oz gets crushed by an already insane stroke victim. It’s bizarre. It’s quite bizarre. The real question is: Why is it happening? We spent some time on the phone the other day calling around to various smart political people to find out why it’s happening and we heard a lot of theories, almost all of which boil down to Dr. Oz is a bad candidate.

He continued, speaking about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s comments about the GOP’s chances of winning the majority in the Senate, saying:

“Mitch McConnell, who is in charge of electing more Republicans to the Senate, gave virtually the same explanation yesterday at a Kentucky Chamber of Commerce lunch. ‘Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.’ In other words, it’s not my fault they sent me bad candidates. OK, but before we accept that, before we accept that a Republican just can’t win at a time when Democrats have completely discredited themselves, it’s worth pausing to ask exactly what this means. What makes a candidate a bad choice? Bad candidates are like bad dogs. There’s bad owners. There aren’t any bad candidates. There are just candidates who are running on the wrong things, candidates who are talking about issues that people don’t deeply care about.”

Carlson noted what it would take for candidates like Oz to win their races, and he mentioned Trump’s win in 2016:

“A good candidate is the opposite of that. Good candidates are those who promise to solve the most pressing problems facing voters. These candidates are more popular than their male counterparts because they have a bigger message that is larger than the man. A candidate with a powerful message can overcome virtually any obstacle from multiple bankruptcies to universal media hostility to a dull, orange skin tone.”

He stated that law and Order is the biggest concern for voters, given the brazen acts of crime being committed throughout the country.

“Consider Pennsylvania, the state where Dr. Oz is now losing. What are Pennsylvania voters most concerned about? We haven’t seen the most recent polls, but we would guess law and order is at the very top of that list. We think so.

“Here’s one thing that actually is happening and actually matters — something that everybody sees but that candidates virtually never mention, and that is stealing. Suddenly there’s a huge amount of stealing in the United States. It’s everywhere. That’s a problem because stealing is a crime, a moral crime. In fact, it’s the first crime that most of us learn not to commit as children. Don’t steal. Don’t take what doesn’t belong to you. It’s immoral and it certainly is immoral. Yet somehow in the last few years, our leaders, Democrats mostly, but honestly, to some extent, both parties, our leaders have decided that stealing isn’t really such a big deal. It’s not really a crime, certainly not something we should be worried about.”

Carlson has the right idea. Oz should be a more qualified candidate. Oz needs to communicate his message better to voters and be more focused on criminal justice issues. John Fetterman did nothing more than to call out Oz in every way. While it remains to be determined if the polls will prove accurate, Oz currently trails Fetterman. double digitsBecause Fetterman controls the narrative about Oz being out of touch with New Jersey, Fetterman has taken control. That messaging might change when Oz pushes back during the debates, but as of now, it is not looking good for Oz, and Carlson’s monologue was an important one. The GOP should take what he said seriously before it’s too late and Democrats attempt to expand their Senate majority.

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