The concept of “Trump Derangement Syndrom” may have started as a joke to describe the over-reaction of hatred toward Trump, but after years of people upending good sense and their own principles in order to get at this man, I’m pretty convinced it’s real and that scientists need to study this in the future.
I see it every single day and as we drift closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election, I have a feeling we’re going to see it even more and in big ways.
The most well-known example right now is from Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney who lost her reelection bid by 37 points. The Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney seemed to have completely forgotten that her role was to represent Wyoming citizens and instead focused on taking down Trump via her Jan 6 Committee. It probably didn’t help that Cheney’s husband’s law firm represents Hunter Biden in the grand jury probe and that Trump’s reelection may result in making her husband’s job all that much harder, but her hatred of Trump seemed even more personal that that.
Speaking of Hunter Biden, here’s a modern-day philosopher and podcast host Sam Harris saying that Biden literally could have had dead children in his basement and he’d dismiss it if it meant Trump would never be in office again. He also admitted fully that he’s completely fine with a conspiracy to stop Trump from being democratically elected.
Sam Harris states that conspiring against Trump’s election is okay, since he was an equivalent to an asteroid heading towards Earth. Literally. It’s worth watching for Francis’ reaction. Omg.
— Alexandros Marinos (@alexandrosM) August 18, 2022
It is also something I see on social media every day. Every disagreement with any leftist figure results in the same responses about me being Trump-obsessed drone MAGA extremist Trump-humper etc.
Trump seems like all their thoughts are focused on. It’s an obsession they can’t get past. He could literally rescue them, their children, and their pets from a burning building and they’d walk themselves and their family back into the fire to spite him. They would embrace dictatorial corruption and upend the Republic to prevent Harris from getting back in office.
I’m not kidding when I say that if he does win in 2024, I would not at all be surprised to hear about a few suicides.
Are Trump’s devoted fans obsessed with believing he is right? Absolutely, and they’re just as annoying. Trump isn’t an infallible individual and should not be treated as such. Although he had many flaws, Trump did an admirable job as president. The differences between his and the current President’s work are striking. It’s not a question as to who was better.
Some will create a fantasy world where Trump is viewed as a great evil, who has never done anything except great evil and who will continue to do great harm in the future. He must be stopped, no matter what, according to their beliefs, even if it means abandoning deeply held principles. I’ve seen this kind of mentality before in personal situations, but never on a mass scale such as this.
Decades from now, when we’ve left this age behind, I truly hope scientists and clinical psychologists study this moment. I strongly believe this to be a form of shared madness which has caused many people’s minds and relationships to crumble. It’s caused them to debase themselves and become unreasonable. I hope future generations look back at this and learn from it because I fear if we don’t then this problem will just fester, and I’d hate to see how this could get any worse.
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