Trump Attorneys Spill the Beans on Issues With FBI Raid, Warrant – Opinion

Now, President Donald Trump’s attorneys are revealing some details about the FBI raid on his house and search warrant.

Alina Habba was the Trump lawyer and appeared on Fox News together with Jesse Watters. She said that they had been cooperating with the National Archives over the records and that this was completely “unconstitutional.” “Our country should be terrified—I am terrified,” Habba exclaimed. She said the FBI went in when he wasn’t even there, and then told his attorneys to leave, that they couldn’t watch or be there. “That doesn’t sound good to me,” she declared.

Habba stated that the agents arrived wearing backpacks and were concerned they might have tried to hide things as they attempted to expel the lawyers. Habba said she believed this was all part of the effort to try to take Trump down, and that people were “working in tandem” with other efforts.

“There is more than people know that you’ll be hearing,” Habba explained. “If he wasn’t ahead in the polls, this wouldn’t be happening.” It’s “100 percent” politically motivated, she declared. “I don’t trust the government, and that’s a very frightening thing as an American,” she said. “This is third-world stuff, this is Cuba. This is not our country.”

Watters asked about the warrant, and Habba said the attorneys on the ground weren’t given the warrant during the raid — they were only allowed to look at it.

Now, here’s Trump attorney Christina Bobb on Real America’s Voice. This was Christina Bobb, the lawyer who was present. She explains that they initially wouldn’t even let her see the warrant, but then did; they were reluctant to let them have it. It’s not clear from what she says if they ultimately were able to obtain it at some point. She also explained that the probable cause for the warrant was sealed, so that they can’t even know what it was unless they go to court to find out.

She confirmed that it was due to the Presidential Records Act, which the host indicated has never been prosecuted–one of the many reasons this “rationale” to seize documents from Trump’s home is ridiculous. They were also looking for classified documents, she said. “The irony of both…is it is the president [Trump]He decides what constitutes a presidential record. So, why they get to redefine that is unclear and why they get to search, why that’s even in a warrant, it doesn’t really make any sense,” she said. “The same thing with any potential classified information.”

This is absurd because of how different they treat Hillary Clinton. Her home was not raided and she was not pursued for her classified emails.

Bobb explained to RSBN how this was completely unprecedented to pursue a former president this way — that Hillary Clinton even took furniture and other items from the White House when the Clintons left, and she just got an email to return things.

As I mentioned in my Trump Family reaction story, on top of the statements made by the lawyers, the FBI wanted to turn off the Mar-a-Lago security camera while conducting the raid. Why? The only thing one can think is that they didn’t want the camera to catch something that they were doing.

So, there’s a lot to be concerned about with the overreach here.

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