Trans Rapist Illegally Distributes Hormone Pills. Media Silent.

Groomers abuse our children and the media lets them off with it.

Transgender Activist Eli Erlick reportedly sent hormone therapy drugs to youth transgender wanabees across state lines where said drugs are illegal, Breitbart reported. Now, Erlick has been accused of sexual assault and the media couldn’t care less. 

In a now private YouTube video Erlick explained how he/she feels it is his/her obligation to help others by providing “life saving medication” to “people who need it.” Last time I checked, transgenderism is a choice (and a dumb one at that) … nobody “needs” to chemically change their gender, especially children. 

Erlick went on to indoctrinate more viewers with even more absurdity. He/she explained how easy it is to “misinform” pharmacists, doctors, and parents in order to obtain hormone drugs. Sure, lie to your pharmacists, doctors, and parents about your health … that seems safe. 

Erlick’s video was used to demonstrate virtue and explain why he illegally distributed his prescription drugs over state borders. 

Since the beginning of this year, every month I’ve ordered double dosages of hormones/testosterone blockers. I save all the extra pills for my best friends, my closest lovers … I just hope these little pills can bring some joy into their lives.

In an Instagram post, Erlick wrote “If you need hormones, I work with a network of distributors to give you access. Everything is free, no questions asked,” according to Reduxx. Reduxx has deleted the original post, however it is evident that Erlick will not restrain himself from creating a fully-fledged transgender family. 

The surprising thing is, Erlick is aware that he’s breaking the law. In his video earlier this year, he stated “So, yeah, I know it’s illegal” but so is “not using the crosswalk.” Ah, yes, giving out prescription hormones to people is equivalent of J-walking. Erlick encouraged people to not “let the law dictate your morality.” Yeah — who cares about the law anyways!?

Erlick clearly is a disturbed and deranged human being. He’s been accused of sexual abuse. 

At age 16, Erlick started Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER) where he had “access to trans-identified teenage girls, and several have since come forward with allegations that Erlick raped them,” Redux reported. Were we shocked if the accusations are true? Pretending to be a girl to get access to other and more vulnerable kids is disgusting but certainly an easy way in … pun intended.

Breitbart revealed that Erlick has been glorified by the media. 

An alleged sexual abuser, Erlick is a well-known transgender activist who has been supported by legacy media. Erlick has been featured on CNN, Buzzfeed, Rolling Stone, USA Today, and the New York Times. Erlick has also been called one of “the new faces of feminism” by Teen Vogue.

Left and media will do anything to push progressive ideas and woke ideology. We live in a terrifying reality. 

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