Allen Weisselberg, a top official in Trump’s business organization is reportedly preparing to plead guilty in the tax evasion case previously brought by the Manhattan District Attorney. Weisselberg and the Trump organization itself were placed under criminal indictment during the summer of 2021, with prosecutors hoping to “flip” the CFO so they could directly go after the former president.
That didn’t happen, though, because Weisselberg refused to go down that road, and he is now going to take a plea deal that will likely cut his stay in prison far short of the lofty sentence first suggested.
This is via The Hill.
The Trump Organization’s chief financial officer is coming close to reaching a plea deal in a case investigating whether he funneled off-the-books income to himself and other executives at the company, but the potential deal reportedly does not bring prosecutors any closer to their main target: former President Trump.
The New York Times reports Monday that two knowledge-rich people were cited by the newspaper. Allen Weisselberg A judge met with his attorneys and determined that the hearing was scheduled for Thursday. This indicates that there could be an agreement by then.
According to a source familiar with the situation, Weisselberg could be offered a deal that would reduce his sentence by five months.
Although Weisselberg was expected to testify against Trump in the end, prosecution officials refused.
Ironically, Weisselberg plead guilty is good news for the left. As I noted when the indictments were first leaked, the idea here was that he would “flip” and testify against Trump. That’s not going to happen, and it represents another dead-in for the “resistance” legal movement which has sought to weaponize government power against Trump.
Here’s an example of some of that hope being shared last year.
No one knows whether today will increase the chances that Weisselberg flips, but it is hard to imagine what it was like being handcuffed, fingerprinted and marched before cameras and facing a judge. It’s a nightmare of spending every day in financial and legal peril.
— Ross Garber (@rossgarber) July 1, 2021
This song and dance will be repeated many times. The walls have been “closing in” for seven years now, yet Trump continues to make his opponents look stupid. The FBI raid that occurred recently has revived the fantasies that Trump would be placed in handcuffs. However, there is a chance of an agreement being reached about the documents taken.
With this criminal case in New York all but done, the opportunities to “get Trump” are dwindling before he makes a probable announcement that he’s running for president in 2024. Perhaps the DOJ will surprise and go full banana republic anyway with an indictment over the Espionage Act, but until I see it, I’ll continue to think a lot of this stuff is noise. Still, the left isn’t going to stop. They will keep pressing the case against Trump until he is dead. It’s become part of who they are.
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