Top 5 Apolitical Television Shows You Should be Watching – Opinion

Television can be really spotty in terms of what’s good and what’s not. Sadly, there’s a lot more “not” out there than “good” thanks to the woke takeover of our culture. Most shows made nowadays fall so far into the political that finding one without “the message” is like finding a unicorn.

Luckily for you, I’ve found quite a few and will now them to you in one convenient list! Add your own in the comments if you feel one that I didn’t recommend should be listed.

“The Last Kingdom” – Netflix

This show was recommended to me just under a month ago but it’s been around since 2015, and with five seasons under its belt. I’m halfway through the fourth season because I can’t stop binge-watching it.

The story centers on Uhtred from Babbenburg, who takes place right before England was formed around the time Alfred the Great. The Danes raid the Saxon lands in England during this period. Uhtred is a little boy who watches his father get killed by Danes. However, he quickly becomes a Saxon/Dane hybrid after being adopted by them. He wants to take Babbenburg, his ancestral home from his uncle. But his turbulent life has taken him to many other places. Uhtred’s journey through life, the friends and enemies he makes, and the victories and defeats he wins are fascinating to watch.

It has as much intrigue and flair as Game of Thrones, but it doesn’t have the overt violence or gratuitous nudity. You won’t find dragons or magic in this show, but it doesn’t need it. There’s no message in this show and even religion is handled even-handedly as it does play a large role in the series. You will be riveted by the acting and stories. Even people who typically don’t like these shows seem to be drawn to them. It’s worth a try.

“The Expanse” – Prime Video

Let’s leave ancient England and head out in the future in space. Let’s be honest, SciFi shows today are absolute garbage. Star Trek is so politicized that Stacey Abrams appears in episodes as President of Earth. Star Wars, on the other hand, has been so hit-or-miss that its hits have become tainted. All is not lost. Prime Video hosts what I consider to be one of the best SciFi programs to ever exist.

“The Expanse” is a show that takes a look into the future Elon Musk will inevitably create with Mars not only becoming colonized but also existing under its own government, one that has now entered into a very unstable relationship with Earth. The workers of the asteroid Belt are another factor. While Earth and Mars live relatively well, “belters” are poor, filthy, and looked down on by everyone else. It’s here we’re introduced to a random assortment of characters who eventually come together to become the crew of a stolen Mars ship called the Rocinante, and the adventure they embark on changes the relationships between Earth, Mars, and the belters forever.

The show was so great that it changed the face of space-born TV shows. You won’t find teleporters or even small space fighters. “The Expanse” handles space very seriously to the point where it gets very scientific about it. Space’s effects on the body as well as the mind is always evident to the point that the black takes on its own personality. Star Wars and Star Trek ship travel look very different. There’s no warp drive. It’s all propulsion and inertia. There’s no anti-gravity device. Magnetic boots can be worn to walk, but floating is possible.

You will love the characters and be able to relate even to those you don’t like. Even the most slow scenes can still be captivating to view because of the quality of the writing. There’s enough politics and intrigue to satisfy those who love a good drama, and the action is unique be it the problem solving to the space battles. It also has no message. It’s just a fun apolitical show to sink your teeth into.

“Attack On Titan” – Funimation

While it’s not for everyone, Japanese anime has proven itself to be a serious contender for solid entertainment. While most of it could be considered throwaway garbage or geared toward kids, every now and again a show comes along that wows the 18 and up demographic, and “Attack on Titan” is that show.

“Attack on Titan” takes place in a fictional world where the last remains of humanity live behind giant walls in order to protect themselves from the human-eating giants that live beyond them. Called “titans,” these giants look humanoid but have oddly shaped bodies and faces. They lack intelligence beyond “find and eat humans.” It’s in this world we find the main protagonist, Eren Yeager, a child with two best friends named Armen Arlert and Mikasa Ackerman. A super-massive, massive titan suddenly appears from nowhere. He knocks down the outer wall, opening the door for titans to flood into the area, and start destroying and eating people living there. Yeager watches helplessly as his mother is eaten alive, and the trauma sends him to enlist in a branch of his nation’s military with the lowest survival rate, “The Scouts.” His two best friends join with him, but when the colossal titan makes a return, a secret is revealed about Eren that changes the course of the human/titan war forever.

This show isn’t just one of my favorite animes, it’s also one of my all-time favorite shows. The story evolves and takes on new themes as the stories progress. Some of the best characters and character arcs I’ve ever seen take place here, and the story’s twists and turns are masterful. The show is unlike most others. It makes you feel the emotions of some characters, and will send you on an exciting roller coaster ride. It’s a unique world with a unique premise and is beautifully animated. Don’t let the fact that it’s an anime dissuade you from watching it. It’s not something you’d want to miss.

“The Terminal List” – Prime Video

I’ve already given a full review of this show recently, but I felt the need to reiterate the quality of this show and how its entertainment value can’t be overstated.

(READ: ‘The Terminal List’ Review: The Most Important Television Show In Recent History)

You can read the full review, but the elevator pitch here is that Chris Pratt shines like the sun in one of the best action thrillers I’ve seen since John Krasinsky’s “Jack Ryan.” The show revolves around Navy Seal James Reese and his journey to uncover the truth about a failed op that lead to the death of all his men. As his family gets involved in the scandal, the situation only becomes worse. After identifying the criminals, he embarks upon a revenge operation that goes deeper than he can believe.

I can’t recommend this show enough.

“Peaky Blinders” – Netflix

You can walk a short distance to the city’s edge, then cross the tracks.

After “Peaky Blinders” was recommended highly to me by people I trust, I gave it a shot and at first, I didn’t have high hopes for it. Today, the Shelby family’s plight has completely captivated the Morse household.

The show takes place in Birmingham, England, around the 1920s and 30s and follows the Shelby family which leads a crime gang called the “Peaky Blinders,” so known for the fact that they keep razors in the brim of their newsboy caps which they use to blind their opponents. Tommy Shelby is their leader and an intelligent, ruthless man who wants to transform his family’s low-level local crime gang into an international criminal syndicate. It is addictive to see what happens during the season.

While the setting is interesting, it’s the characters and acting that truly bring it to life. Cillian Murphy plays Tommy, a veteran of war who has become a crime lord. Paul Anderson plays his brother Arthur, who acts as the gang’s bruiser with a lot of heart. The standout for me, however, is Tom Hardy’s Alife Solomons, a Jewish crime lord that has a frienemy type of relationship with Tommy. It is one of my favorite moments on television.

Enjoy a great ride and settle in. My personal favorite is season four when the Shelbys go to war with the Italian Mafia, led by Adrien Brody’s Luca Changretta. Make sure you turn the subtitles on. They don’t temper the accents in this show for American audiences.

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