Tom Cotton Swoops in With Zinger After Chuck Schumer FUBARs SCOTUS Speech on Senate Floor – Opinion

After the impending retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was made official Thursday a week ago by Breyer himself, President Biden was quick to alert supporters during the same press conference that he was committed to sticking to his campaign pledge to nominate a black woman for the Senate to consider confirming to our nation’s highest court.

Since that time, Democrats and their enthusiastic cheerleaders in the mainstream press have predictably engaged in tiresome race-baiting games, alleging Republicans will oppose Biden’s no matter who she is because racism or something. Some leftists have taken delight in the possibilities of Republican Senators opposing black women nominees, months before the midterm election.

While GOP Senators are doing an excellent job of countering the absurdity, there is still some such as Sen. Josh Hawley (Republican-Mo.). It was Senator. Chuck Schumer, the Minority Leader (D-N.Y.), accidentally gave his political opponents a gift during an address he made on the Senate floor. In that speech, he spoke of the need for a diverse Supreme Court.


Do you see something? Notice something?

Apparently, someone on Schumer’s staff alerted him as to the omission of the first black person to ever sit on the Supreme Court, and later, he took to the Twitter machine to clarify:

Shortly thereafter, Senator Tom Cotton (R.Ark.), was born.), never one to suffer fools gladly, swooped in with a hilarious Ron Burgundy reference in response to Schumer’s speech flub:

I mean we are only into day three of Black History Month, and we have the Democratic leader of the United States Senate giving a floor speech in which he’s lecturing others on how the court needs to “look more like America” and he forgets the very person that broke ground black representation on the court in the late 1960s, and who was the predecessor to Clarence Thomas.

While I wholeheartedly agree that identity politics games are stupid – and it would appear that most Americans agree with that sentiment, too – it’s amusing as hell to see Democrats hoist themselves by their own petard on these matters.

As I’ve said before, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This one was different. The gamer ended up playing. He himself. The cherry on top was the cotton spiking of the ball.

It’s what you love. It’s true.

Related:All Eyes on Sinema and Manchin After Breyer Retirement Announcement

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