Time Magazine Compares Liz Cheney Defeat to Stalinist ‘Disappearing’

It is well-known that liberal journalists are guilty of a bad habit: Associating Republicans with authoritarianism with the Democrats. But TimeThe magazine took the story to an absurd end. Liz Cheney was defeated in an election. This is a Stalinist liquidation. 

It was headlined “The GOP just borrowed a Soviet skill and disappeared Liz Cheney.” You’ve probably been there a while and know that this is a funny spin. Time The magazine named Mikhail Gorbachev the “Man of the Decade” and named him the “communist Pope, the Soviet Martin Luther.” Maybe Liz Cheney could be their Gorbachev. Send her home to Lithuania. 

Philip Elliott, once a reporter for AP, sarcastically wrote:It’s not just the Soviets who are masters of disappearing someone.Wyoming is an example of this. Wyoming’s voters have voted out a senior Republican official on Trump’s orders.

Elliott observed that Cheney had aligned herself to Nancy Pelosi, and she’s sudden “bipartisan January 6 probe,” the House Republicans “booted Cheney. The Wyoming Republican Party and the Republican National Committee both censured her. And then Tuesday’s results completed the process. It was a disappearing which would have proudly made the Cold War Soviets proud.

She wasn’t even executed. It wasn’t her disappearance! She is still being highlighted by liberals! Trump is proud of his Politburo. America, however, is one-party. At least Elliott acknowledged “Her performance made her a darling of liberals who not that long ago thought the Cheney clan to be some of the worst people in America.”

It would be…TimeThe liberal magazine received a 2007 “Top Magazine Cover” award. Texas Monthly Cover photo of Dick Cheney, holding a gun next to the words: “Buy This Magazine” or Dick Cheney will Shoot You in The Face.

Elliott continues his absurdity of writing an article

Still, it’s worth treating the current roster of Republicans like a Politburo postcard. Of the 10 Republicans who voted for Trump’s second impeachment, eight will not be returning next year. Trump actively opposed nine of them, and has a nearly perfect record. Nearly all those not standing alongside Comrade Donald were cut from this roster.

They were four of the last to retire.

Elliott concluded wistfully: “Cheney shows bravery by fighting to stay in the frame, but she is likely to find it is nearly impossible to change a party without powerful allies on the inside to sponsor the effort…The open question is if Cheney can jam the gear with sufficient force to at least make it lurch, or if the machine will keep grinding her further and further from real power.”

Alexander Hall at Fox News noted Washington ExaminerT. Becket Adams wrote sarcastically that columnist. 

In a tweet, he observed that the people who claim they love and respect democracy are the most certain. It’s as though the voters don’t have any agency or power in the democratic process.

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