Thousands were out in Washington, D.C., Sunday for the ‘Defeat the Mandates’ rally. We reported that this event was being coordinated by others in the world on Jan. 22, (Satuday), and Jan. 23, (Sunday).
The mandates were resisted by all political parties.
Washington Post
“The goal is to show a unified front of bringing people together — vaccinated, unvaccinated, Democrats, Republicans, all together in solidarity,” said organizer Matt Tune, an unvaccinated 48-year-old from Chicago. He said he wants the event “to help change the current narrative…” [….]
Suzanne Robertson (52), traveled from New Jersey to the anti-mandate marche, carrying a sign that stated she had been a liberal Democrat all her life, except for last year. Robertson works as a sales representative. She said that she had the coronavirus in March 2020, but it was only mild. She said she campaigned for Bernie Sanders and voted for President Biden and had never before voted for a Republican until recently —when she stopped identifying with a political party all together, disappointed in Biden’s chastisement of those who choose not to get the shot.
Matthew Tune, Director of Marketing and Sales at NBCUniversal. Children’s Health Defense is sponsoring the event. The event has also been plugged by Dr. Robert Malone on Joe Rogan’s podcast and Tucker Carlson’s show on Fox. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is also a speaker.
That said, there were a lot of “F**k Joe Biden” flags and attitude in attendance, along with “Let’s go, Brandon.”
Alert for graphic language
Chants of “We will not comply!” as crowds continue to gather at the Washington Monument, ahead of today’s rally and march against mandates in DC
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 23, 2022
Thousands packed in front of the Lincoln Memorial, as speakers for today’s rally against vaccine mandates take the stage
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) January 23, 2022
Outside of the Lincoln Memorial, protestors shout “save our children” and “stop mandates”.#DefeatTheMandates #HappeningNow
— Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) January 23, 2022
Robert F Kennedy, Jr., has just arrived at the Defeat the Mandates rally.#DefeatTheMandates #WashingtonDC
— Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) January 23, 2022
There was even one counter-protester cult that chanted Dr. Anthony Fauci’s love.
Chant: “We Love Fauci” Counter-protesters #DefeatTheMandatesSing and shout “Quack Quack Quack!” As a doctor’s jacketed man walks past
— Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) January 23, 2022
A permit was approved by the National Park Services for up to 20,000 persons. The people marched from Washington Monument to Lincoln Memorial and listened to speeches. About 6,000 of them are federal employees who oppose mandates. The mandate imposed by the SCOTUS on private companies with more than 100 employees was struck down. A Texas federal court also struck down Friday’s mandate for federal workers.
D.C. now requires vaccinations in order to enter local restaurants. This may pose a problem for thousands of people who came from all over the country.
Federal law enforcement officers and D.C. cops are monitoring the protest. But fears of “feds” didn’t stop the thousands from showing up. Kennedy Jr. stated that the group was committed to peaceful action. He said if there was any “provocation,” it would come from the government.