As we previously reported, a recent CNN-poll showed President Joe Biden’s approval ratings at record lows. Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, spoke on ABC Sunday and said, “The unfavorable polling has shown that…”
“We’ve said this before. It’s like, we get it. We understand what the American people are feeling at this time.”
White House admission “gets it” regarding how the American people view Biden’s job performance. The White House’s media team took to Twitter last week to share Dark Brandon memes in support of the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed by the Senate budget reconciliation process. I wrote about this desperate rebranding of Biden’s persona here: Let’s Go, Admin! ‘Dark Brandon’ Meme Posted by WH Officials as Twitter Censors ‘SuperTrump’
CNN reports that the White House does a full time job to support Biden.This is the loud part.
The WH has been working on this image correction for months and CNN just… tweets it out
— Andrew Kloster (@ARKloster) August 14, 2022
Yes, CNN wrote that Biden has been an image of “a feeble septuagenarian atop a mismanaged White House” before noting the new “leader” persona in the aviator sunglasses he dropped last week.
Then, CNN tells us Biden has a “vibe shift”, Posting a photo of Hunter Biden onboard Air Force One as he jets off for vacation.
Recent good news may be just in time for Biden
— CNN (@CNN) August 14, 2022
What is this “recent good news” that is “just in time” for Biden, anyway? CNN is staying true to tradition. Please try again says the quiet part out loud, telling us that Democrats think Former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence being raided by the FBI is “good news right before midterm campaignig really picks up”. They said it.
The upside to a year and a half of false starts and breakdowns, Democrats say: They stumbled into having a pile of good news right before midterm campaigning really picks up, and just as the average gas price has fallen below $4 and Donald Trump’s last week included having the FBI search Mar-a-Lago and invoking the Fifth Amendment hundreds of times to the New York attorney general.
So Let’s just recap. CNN tells us that the geriatric version of Biden is passe because he’s A vibe check was passed since his administration’s agencies raided a political rival, right before midterm campaigning picks up… and now he’s a chill dude vacationing. Thanks, CNN we would have to trust our own discernment if it wasn’t for you folks.
The, alas! Rebranding planHere is a White House memo. The Building A Better America Tour is hitting the road, “selling” their version of this administration to the American people ahead of the midterms.
” a White House official told Playbook last night. ‘[We] feel good about having something solid for us to sell, for members of Congress to sell.’ “
Yes. They did say that loudly, too. All of it will consist of one large, gaffe-filled advertisement from now through November. Enjoy the show.
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