The Worst of Alex Wagner: Meet Rachel Maddow’s Part-Time Replacement 

So you won’t have Rachel Maddow to kick around any more. Well okay she’s not retiring and she will still be on MSNBC one night (Mondays) a week but rest assured her timeslot (9pm Tuesday through Friday) will be occupied by a familiar lefty — former MSNBC host and Showtime’s “The Circus” co-host Alex Wagner.  

Return to June 27MSNBC reported that Wagner will take the Maddow seat for four nights per week. Officially, Wagner took over this Tuesday. August 16.) 

It’s a bit of an odd choice given that her first stint as an MSNBC host didn’t end well when it was canceled in 2015 for poor ratings. 

A look back at Wagner’s run on her eponymously named show Alex Wagner, now reveals early examples of her  ridiculous overplaying of the race card — “Usage of the word ‘thug’ spiked on Monday…Some people are saying the ‘T’ word is the new ‘N’ word” — and silly sucking-up to libs. She once gushed to Chelsea Clinton: “I must bring up the fact that your mother — she graced us all. Everyone is thrilled that she is now on Twitter.” 

Wagner also stated that she wanted to abolish the Second Amendment. On Bill Maher’s HBO in 2011, she spoke up for Wagner. Actual Time show: “Get rid of the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have…. owning a gun does not….tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights.” 

The following are the worst outbursts from Wagner via the MRC’s archive:

America is in decline as Republicans spin their wheels



Bill Maher is the host: “This is the moment in America that Rome faced with Julius Caesar when the republic became a dictatorship. I know they are going to acquit him but the fact that we had this trial and there was no witnesses and we don’t care about laws anymore or rules or what matters, when it goes from nation of laws republic to Senate that just goes along and might is right, that is that moment I know that sounds overly dramatic.”
Former MSNBC host and current Showtime’s The Circus co-host Alex Wagner: “It’s not. It’s heartbreaking. It’s a farce that there are Republican senators in the audience with fidget spinners, but when you think about the gravity of the moment, this is a test of liberal democracy….Has one party become so corrupted by power that they’re shredding the basic principles of what the country stands for?”
— HBO’s Bill Maher – Real TimeRetrieved January 24, 2020


The GOP plot to oppress minorities by asking a basic census question

“Let me be very clear. To keep immigrant families and immigrants in the dark, a citizenship question was added to disenfranchise large cities. It is also to derail congressional redistricting in 2020. This is done to disenfranchise predominantly Democratic states as well as cities with high immigrant or minority populations. That is why there’s a citizenship question.”
— CBS News correspondent Alex Wagner on HBO’s Bill Maher – Real TimeApril 20, 2018


Alex Wagner Lie to the Clintons



“When we talk about women’s participation and women’s involvement in the world, I must bring up the fact that your mother [Hillary Clinton] — she graced us all. We are all thrilled to have her on Twitter. She has, in my humble opinion, one of the best Twitter bios on the Twittersphere.”

“This is, I think, the fifth anniversary of your mother’s ‘shattering the glass ceiling’ speech. Do you think we need — and I’m not naming names — do you think we need a woman in the White House? Do you think America needs to sort of achieve that milestone, being the leader in the globe that we are today?”
— Two of MSNBC host Alex Wagner’s questions for Chelsea Clinton on the June 14, 2013 edition of Alex Wagner, now.


Wagner: Nasty Conservatives Want to “Punish” Immigrants With “Alligator Moats”



“Around immigration, there’s a sense that we need to punish people when they come here and they don’t know our language. We gotta punish people who came here the wrong way, even if they’ve been contributing to American society for a decade or more. Bigger, meaner, scarier fences by people suggesting electrified, alligator-filled moats to prevent ‘them’ coming in, by the language we use to talk about ‘those people’ who want to be here. Know what? We are the people who wish to be there. That’s what this country is made of.”
— MSNBC host Alex Wagner in one of her network’s “Lean Forward” commercials, aired during June 2013.


Wagner Pushes Bogus “War on Women” Mantra



“Just when you thought the Republican Party’s open antagonism toward women and their reproductive organs couldn’t get any more hostile, hours ago, talk show host, former governor, and failed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee took it upon himself to ‘mansplain’ to the women of America how one party wants to tame their wild libidos.”
— Host Alex Wagner on MSNBC’sAlex Wagner is now availableRetrieved January 23, 2014.


Anti-Illegal Immigration Protest: Alex Ashamed To Be An American



“When you see the footage of these furious crowds yelling ‘Go home, go home,’ I think it brings — I will say personally, I found it to be a shameful moment to be an American, to see people treated like that, people who are seeking a new day here in America.”
— Host Alex Wagner on MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, nowThis article was published on July 2, 2014.


Wagner overplays Race Card



Alex Wagner, Host: “Usage of the word ‘thug’ spiked on Monday — appearing in roughly 50,000 tweets….The word’s ubiquity has, this week, led to re-examination of the origins of the word ‘thug,’ and the debate over its racial connotations….Some people are saying the ‘T’ word is the new ‘N’ word. Give us your take.”
Brittney Cooper, Salon contributor: “Sure. It’s rooted in a racialized understanding of black people. So, for instance, no one is calling the police who put this kid in a van and snapped his spine and crushed his voicebox ‘thugs’ — right?…When are we going to have a language to talk about the systemic violence that white folks do in the name of anti-blackness and white supremacy in this country?”
— Exchange on MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, nowPublished April 29, 2015.


Wagner OK With Racial Fear Tactics—If That’s What It Takes for Dems to Win



Alex Wagner “Democrats hoping to get minority voters to the polls have instead focused on race and racial bias. In North Carolina, Harry Reid’s Senate Majority PAC ran this radio spot attacking GOP Senate candidate Tom Tillis.”
Clip: “Tillis won’t fight for us. Instead, he restricted early voting and voter registration to make it difficult for communities with color to vote. Tillis even led the effort to pass the type of stand your ground laws that caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.”
Wagner: “In Georgia, state Democrats printed a flyer warning that the way to prevent ‘another Ferguson’ is to vote. Arkansas residents meanwhile, received a mailer showing a man in a hands-up, don’t shoot position made infamous in the wake of Michael Brown’s killing. The mailer reads: ‘If we want to end senseless killings like Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, we need to vote’…It’s important to say that it shouldn’t have to be the threat of undermining civil rights that gets people to vote, but if it does, so much stronger the party is for it.”
— MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, nowThe October 30th, 2014.


Melodramatic MSNBCer Wagner: “We Are Back in, Like, Margaret Sanger Days”



“I just can’t – you know, Cecile, it’s like every time we have a discussion it feels like the clock has turned back even more, you know. And it feels like the ACA was progress and it’s real, and yet the force is pulling us back – not just on the question of national health care, but on the question of access to contraception. I mean, we are back in, like, Margaret Sanger days here.”  
— MSNBC’s Alex Wagner, nowApril 21, 2014


It’s time to scrap the Second Amendment

“I think get rid of the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights.” 
— MSNBC host Alex Wagner on HBO’s Bill Maher – Real timeNovember 4, 2011, p.

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