The phrase “participation trophy President” has occasionally crossed the interwebs. The term “participation trophy President” is not a matter of affection, regardless of the person who holds that title. The term indicates that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’s current residents receive and/or demand lavish praise for just getting up every morning. It has repeatedly been preferable for the current Oval Office occupant to not do anything in lieu of his active destruction of America both domestically and internationally, something of which anyone who’s filled their car’s gas tank to go grocery shopping is painfully aware.
There are many who believe that Joe Biden is at best one step less than the brilliant lightworker Barack Obama. One such believer in Biden’s messianic properties is Hollywood denizen Ken Olin, who recently gushed:
Yes, @POTUSIs an older man.
But he’s an elderly man who knows what it takes to be a great President.
He has all the abilities to complete the job with integrity, ethics and empathy.
Don’t mistake humility for weakness.
Biden is an enormous man.— Ken Olin (@kenolin1) June 12, 2022
Given Olin’s extensive resume both in front of and behind the camera, one wonders if perhaps he has been exposed to too much unsuspected radiation from Klieg lights, thus rendering his reality recognition skills suspect. However, we’ll roll with the assumption Olin believes his own words.
One of Hollywood’s significant flaws is its addiction to being an oversized participation trophy palace. There are self-congratulatory awards shows that go yon, supposedly designed to spotlight the very best. But for most, simple participation is sufficient to declare one’s status as part of the grand, glorious entertainment industry.
In said industry, self-revelations embracing this week’s most fashionable sexual identity are de rigueur. All scandals (except those involving racial epithets) are washed away from our collective memories by a teary confession. If the problem is chemical in nature, we can relax for a month at the local spa. As long as financial gain can walk sufficiently hand in hand with ideological fealty to literally float the stars and star makers’ boats, it’s all good in the richly embroidered hood.
Where things fall apart is when fantasyland’s forever-dwellers fall victim to the deadly trap of believing people proclaiming how great thou art when, in fact, thou aren’t. The lust, the flesh, the eyes, and the pride of life make for an intoxicating self-aggrandizing cocktail, but being enabled to indulge in same does not impart wisdom. Real life is notably bereft of screenwriters, and when one is accustomed to handlers and enablers doing their thing so you don’t have to do anything, speaking on your own becomes a verbal minefield.
Olin is certain that he believes the words he wrote. Why shouldn’t he? It is reasonable to assume he’s not scrambling for rent money. Gas money, groceries money and the like. It’s easy to believe the hype when you live in a world that makes make-believe appear sufficiently real for the audience to temporarily put aside reality in order to pretend the scene is worthwhile their intellectual and emotional investment.
A cursory look at the site will reveal how the Biden Administration remains a rolling train wreck, completely unaware of its crash. American families struggling to get by are feeling the consequences of their feckless ineptitude. Still, Washington and Hollywood carry on with their participation trophy two-step, utterly unaware that in the real world they are finishing dead last even as they play court attendants admiring the emperor’s new clothes.
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