The Stupid Burns, as ‘The View’ Weighs in on Archbishop Cordileone’s Blocking Pelosi From Receiving Holy Communion – Opinion

The Harpies The ViewWe are back at it.

On Monday’s show, the hosts weighed in on Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone’s Friday letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, telling her that she needs to repent of her support and promotion of baby killing—abortion for those in Rio Linda—if she expects to receive the Eucharist aka “Holy Communion” any time soon.

As LifeNews reported:

Cordileone, who serves Pelosi’s home district of San Francisco, said he informed the congresswoman of his decision Thursday after repeated attempts to speak with her about the “grave evil” that she is supporting.

Pelosi is a professed Catholic, but supports killing unborn babies during abortions right up to the birth. He also wants taxpayers to cover their death.

In a letter published Friday on the archdiocese website, Cordileone explained his decision to deny communion to the Democrat leader:

“After numerous attempts to speak with her to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, and the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that the point has come in which I must make a public declaration that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion unless and until she publicly repudiate her support for abortion ‘rights’ and confess and receive absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of Penance.”

The archbishop stressed that his decision is “pastoral, not political” and he did not find any pleasure in it. Cordileone stated that he has also been praying for Pelosi, and asking others to pray with him. He hopes she will turn her back and see the importance of human life.

Miracles do happen, and let’s pray the Speaker has a turnaround of that magnitude.

The Harpies’ ranting about the separation of the church and the state is especially rich. It amazes me that Leftists can spout such hatred and desire to end religion until they are endorsed by their leaders, or it suits their needs. His letter stated that Archbishop Cordileone’s decision came from a pastoral and not political lens. But that didn’t stop Whoopi Goldberg from waxing ineloquent about how church and state is being blurred and how it is not the Archbishop’s job to take this stand.

It’s as absurd as it sounds

Pelosi or Biden are unable to distinguish between the two when they cite their Catholic faith for a reason that a particular policy should be pursued. They make an art form of this, but they don’t just stop there. They both strongly believe that you can do anything if your…” Truly, you are a person full of faithIf you do, then it is likely that you will also support, vote, or promote the same policy.

It’s pure manipulation and it is completely insincere. Pelosi finally got the call from Archbishop Cordileone.

In Goldberg’s show introduction, she cribs off a homily message by Pope Francis given on June 6, 2021 to commemorate the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

She only read what is important to her.

“When we receive the Eucharist, Jesus does the same with us: he knows us; he knows we are sinners; he knows we make many mistakes, but he does not give up on joining his life to ours,” the pope said. “He knows that we need it, because Eucharist isn’t the reward for saints; it’s the bread of sinners. This is why he exhorts us: ‘Do not be afraid! Take and eat.’”

It gets more ridiculous when Queen Blackface Joy Behar says it is hypocritical to call Tex. Governor Greg Abbott is a Catholic practicing Catholic, who was a member of His jobexecution of death penalty inmates can still receive communion, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and others cannot.

You can find the entire text of this bloviation here, if necessary. Alert: You may lose IQ points.

Goldberg reading from Pope Francis’ homily a sentence is like Pelosi and Biden pulling out scripture that supports their policies or justifies their actions.

As with much of life. It is important to consider context.

For instance, before anyone, sinner or saint, can partake in Christ’s body, that person must repent beforehand in order to receive all that Christ’s death and resurrection holds. Catholics are receiving the body and blood Jesus Christ, not just a symbol.

The Catholic Church sets out specific guidelines regarding how we should prepare ourselves to receive the Lord’s body and blood in Communion. The first is to be in a place of grace. “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup” (1 Cor. 11:27–28). It is a requirement absolute that cannot be ignored. Without sanctifying grace, you will not be able to receive the Eucharist.

Any grave sin, committed intentionally and knowing its consequences is a mortal sin. Mortality includes murder, participating or receiving an abortion, homosexual acts and having sexual intercourse in a non-marital relationship or invalid marriage. 5:28–29). There are many mortal sins listed in Scripture (for instance, 1 Cor. 6:9–10 and Gal. 5:19–21). See the Catholic Church Catechism for more information about what is a mortal sin.

1 Corinthians 11:27–28

Therefore, anyone who eats or drinks from the Lord’s cup in an unworthy way will be found guilty of sin against his body and blood. Before anyone eats the bread or drinks from the cup, they should examine their own self-worth.

So as an Archbishop, the “Pastor’s pastor,” of the San Francisco Catholic faithful, Cordileone is reminding Pelosi that she is in mortal sin and needs to repent before she can receive Holy Communion again. It is a matter of life and death for her soul as well as the wellbeing of her flock. The Archbishop analyzing her spiritual state in line with the Catholic Church’s teachings and making the decision to not allow her to partake in The Eucharist is His job is literally his..


Is there any research at The View? I was able to locate this information in less than five minutes on the internet. It helps, too, that I went Catholic School. ButAs a non-Catholic I was prohibited from even taking part in The Eucharist. It was not a requirement of my curriculum to attend all the masses I desired. However, I didn’t receive either the bread nor the cup. It was possible at my church.

Those were the rules, and I had no problem with them—your game, your rules. Pelosi is a Catholic so why should she have any problem? She claims to be as religiously devoted as her Catholic husband. On the other hand, as a person who has professed to adhere to no specific religious faith, Goldberg stupidly weighed in on a religion she knows little about, and in her weighing in, she didn’t even bother to qualify her statements or do her research on whether the Archbishop was actually doing his job.

As is typical of the Harpies bloviating sessions, they spout first, then explore the truth later… if they explore the truth at all. Hint: They don’t.

The tragic part of this equation is that with a viewership of 2.28 million viewers (as reported in November of 2021), that’s a lot of people swallowing and disseminating disinformation and flat-out lies.

It is a shame Scary Poppins Nina Jankowicz quit the Disinformation Governance Board. This would have been a great example of disinformation that she should be digging deeper into.

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