The Real Contention With Black History Month Isn’t Black History Month – Opinion

Black History Month is one of those things that can incite some real anger in people, and if we’re being wholly honest, it’s not difficult to understand why. The event has been mutated and corrupted, and it’s now no longer about Black history.

For all intents and purposes, the story of many black people throughout America’s history is phenomenal, with many going from a slave to someone who helped define what freedom in America means. The generations would hear their stories and learn from them, instilling wisdom and value for all races.

It’s worth learning about. It’s worth teaching our children. The lessons of black history are a reminder that regardless of where you begin, who you are or how you work, you will always be able to achieve something great. Frederick Douglass was one example of a slave who became a prominent voice in the nation. A woman living in a world where she’s a second-class citizen can defy the oppression of authoritarians and become the face of a movement of true equality just like Rosa Parks. An African-American woman can make it big as Madam C.J. by becoming an entrepreneur with multi-million-dollar capital. Walker.

It was the Black race that inspired many freedom movements throughout our country’s history. We should all be aware that they are an integral part.

But it’s true that Black History Month has become something else, especially over the last couple of decades. Politicians and activists have used it to divide, particularly among the races. Now it’s about highlighting the victimization of the Black community in many forms. Now it’s boiled down to the issues the Black community has to put up within a society that looks down on them constantly.

Some entities use stories about Black history to incite distrust, division and victimization. It’s hard not to hear it from a mainstream media program at the best of times, but it gets kicked into high gear in February. The New York Times encouraged African-Americans to boycott the month for racial justice. TikTok’s creators are making posts about it. They accuse Whites and TikTok of trying to steal the month. CNN uses it to promote CRT.

These entities have taken Black History Month and made it about today’s politics.

When you use what should be a celebration of a history of overcoming struggle and inspiring stories and use it as an ideological bludgeon to beat someone over the head, it’s only natural that the bludgeoned will become upset and push back.

This isn’t to say that highlighting how the Black community struggled against many White people in the past shouldn’t be done, but they only tell half the story when they use it as a modern political tool. Many people of color were integral to the end of slavery and civil rights movements. It is not mentioned that Black and White collaborated to achieve greater heights for this country.

These entities also placed the responsibility for wrongdoing by White people who voted against equality for everyone squarely on every White living person today. They’re being made guilty of the sins of other people and that’s not right. The story about how slave trading took place, with the cooperation of many Black leaders is also completely ignored.

Black History Month isn’t the problem, in fact, it’s very valuable when the entire story is told. The issue is that people aren’t telling the story of Black history, they’re telling only parts of it in order to serve an agenda that includes massive amounts of division.

This doesn’t inspire conversation, it promotes a culture of opposition. This creates oppressors and victims. You create villains as well as pseudo-heroes such as Colin Kaepernick.

Black History Month, like many other things affected by the leftist agenda has been corrupted and perverted to serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful, rather than being an instrument to promote the principles of freedom, independence and equality between all races.

Celebrating Black History Month is a good thing because it tells the story of, not just one race, but an entire country’s quest for freedom and goodness. As such, we shouldn’t curse it, but we should definitely call out those who wish to repurpose it into a tool for evil.

Throughout this month you’re going to see posts go up on RedState celebrating Black History in the way that it should be celebrated. These stories will provide inspiration and knowledge as well as new perspectives. This is what’s great about the celebration. You learn more about a people, about your country, and about what we’re capable of when we work together.

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