The Must-See Meltdown Begins After Glenn Youngkin’s Huge Win – Opinion

Glenn Youngkin caused an electoral earthquake last night. Terry McAuliffe’s race in Virginia was expected to be won comfortably by the Republican. However, Youngkin prevailed. In addition, the GOP won all three of the statewide offices including Winsome Sears’ election to the post of Lieutenant Governor. Governor. The majority of the House of Delegates will likely be won by Republicans.

This would have been a day for reflection in a more rational world. They were pushing their absurdity to the limit. Were they too ambiguous in their messages about race and parental rights? What chance do they have of winning with this small coalition?

All of those questions have yet to be answered. The meltdown has already begun and includes the double down of what cost them their election in Virginia.

Please continue calling concerned parents racists because they want to defend their children against the dangers of far-left extremists on school boards. I’m sure that’ll deliver victory in 2022 and beyond.

MSNBC will continue to cover January 6, but you can still count on them. After Youngkin’s announcement, Nicole Wallace suffered a mental seizure while on-air.

There’s something especially hysterical, and I mean that both literally and ironically, about the fact that Democrats simply can not understand that our “democracy” is not and was not ever on the verge of collapse. While normal Americans are worried about the economy, rising prices, and rising crime, left-leaning news networks have obsessed about a three-hour moment of unrest that in no way qualified as an “insurrection” or “coup.” The majority are not buying it anymore.

Further, Youngkin did not win because of “dog whistles” (which apparently only leftwing maniacs can hear). Because he addressed the most important issues that Virginians are concerned about, he won. While McAuliffe just kept saying the word “Trump” over and over, Youngkin settled in with a completely local campaign. He didn’t bring in out-of-state actors to try to bolster him at the last minute. He was relentless in his attacks on the state. That’s why he won, not because of “white supremacy.”

But the Democrats just can’t help themselves. They sit on top of their self-define throne, mocking the people they consider to be little. When you don’t bend to their will, they just get more vicious, and that’s exactly what will happen going forward. They will continue to shout racism louder than they can cool it. Zero lessons have been learned, and that’s excellent news going into 2022 if you are a Republican.

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