I wrote earlier about how the Southwest Airlines incident involving a rebellious pilot who paid homage to the “Let’s go, Brandon” chant during a greeting to passengers on the airplane’s intercom system Friday seemed to truly upset the wackadoodles at CNN perhaps more so than any other group of people.
To quickly recap for anyone who missed it, there was CNN “journalist” John Harwood’s “Seriously?” reaction towards the airline, and then CNN “national security analyst” Juliette Kayyem – also a Harvard professor – encouraging passengers to file a complaint with the FAA over a pilot who she is now snidely smearing with allegations of possible “substance abuse.” I guess the FAA apparently has nothing better to do than to send care packages off to those suffering from Hurt Feelings Syndrome.
There was also the batcrap crazy reaction from CNN “legal analyst” Asha Rangappa, who insinuated that it was unfair the flight wasn’t grounded over the “LGB” utterance as it most assuredly would be if the pilot had pledged loyalty to the ISIS terrorist network before taking off.
Also weighing in on the triggering incident was Tristan Snell, who in his Twitter bio boasts of being the “lawyer” who “prosecuted Trump University.” Snell also happens to list himself as a CNN/MSNBC commentator, which will surprise absolutely no one who reads his translation for what “Let’s go, Brandon” really means, in his opinion.
Ladies, gents, and everyone else, I present to you the most “cry harder” CNN translation yet for “LGB”:
“Let’s Go Brandon” has become the MAGA version of “Sieg Heil.”
— Tristan Snell (@TristanSnell) October 31, 2021
That said, keep in mind that we still have two months left to go in 2021, so the likelihood of more “cry harder” translations is quite strong, whether they come from the fever swamps of CNN or beyond (as frightening as thoughts of what that “beyond” might look like behind the black curtain may be).
You might be able to imagine that prominent Jewish conservatives weren’t amused. My commentary will soon follow.
This is Holocaust revisionism. You’re trivializing what the Nazis did. If saying “Let’s go Brandon” is no better than Nazis, then Nazis were no worse than rowdy football fans. You’re trying to weaponize 6 million dead Jews to score a partisan point. https://t.co/fv7k1YGeXc
— Ezra Levant 🍁 (@ezralevant) October 31, 2021
They quickly played the Nazi card. #LetsGoBrandon is mockery which is more devastating than name calling and they know it, Biden is a punch line https://t.co/BoVmbRgE6W
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) October 31, 2021
They’re absolutely right. I’m not Jewish but anyone can see how absolutely insulting (not to mention deeply disturbing) it is to equate criticism of Joe Biden Nazism and Hitler, and is especially insulting to actual victims of anti-Semitism both historically and in present times. It reminds me of the media’s recent portrayal of the awkward 10-second kiss between Huma Abedin, a long-time Hillary aide and an unnamed U.S. Senator (which Abedin wrote about in her new book) as a “sexual assault,” an insult to actual sexual assault victims.
Perspective is crucial in such matters, as we run the risk of historical events that are very grave being diluted and made to seem like whatever liberals wish them to. But an increasing number of leftists in America (and media types, but I repeat myself), many of who have welcomed with open arms at CNN, don’t have any.
It’s a sad commentary on the state of discourse in this country when mere criticism of the current occupant of the Oval Office is disgustingly equated to a Nazi salute. Dissent is the most patriotic form of patriotism, according to my last check. This rule applies only when a Republican is at the White House.
Two words of wisdom for those repugnant types: One starts with an “F” and the other an “O.” I’ll let readers do That math on thatParticular translation.
Related –>> Watch: The First Official Utterance of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Has Been Made on the House Floor