The Lowest of the Low This Week in Liberal Media Hate Against Sinema – Opinion

What will the media do to try to destroy you if you don’t go along with the agenda that they want to push?

One example was President Donald Trump. They did all they could to get rid of him, knowing he would be a hindrance to the Democratic agenda.

It isn’t just Trump, however, although he certainly has received more attacks than anyone in recent memory from Democrats and media. You may recall that even Milquetoast Sen. Mitt (R-UT) was attacked by the media when he ran to be president. He was accused of abusing dogs and causing cancer patients death. They seem to label every Republican running for President as a Nazi by Democratic standards.

But it isn’t just Republicans leftists will try to take down. Again, it’s anyone who stands in their way.

Take Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). She has a lot of objections to Joe Biden’s social spending bill including the price tag and some of the tax provisions within it.

Is the left trying to convince her of her position? No, they’re attacking her, accusing her, of being in the pocket of lobbyists. Her wherever she is, activists are there to follow her.

Media are also bringing up absurd personal stories and critiquing her clothing while she presides in the Senate. Now, we can argue whether it’s right or wrong to wear denim in the Senate, but we know the only reason they’re attacking her over it is because they view her as standing in their way. But, to suggest that wearing denim in the Senate is racist is absurd.

But trust me, that wasn’t even the lowest of the low in the Sinema hate so far for the week, although that was definitely low.

No, I’m thinking the award for the lowest of the week so far has to be an NBC op-ed from Lux Alptraum titled, “Is Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema bad for bisexual Americans?”

Now, when Sinema first came in, the left was trumpeting her with their identity politics shtick as a “triumph of bisexual representation” as Alptraum said. Is that what it means? What does that even mean?

But now it’s all gone wrong, according to Alptraum, who is bisexual, because Sinema is feeding “stereotypes” of bisexuals.

Instead of a brash, bisexual icon willing and able to stand up to the far right, she’s now seen as an unreliable centrist, a self-absorbed Democratic turncoat more fixated on getting attention and lining her own pockets than uplifting her community. No longer a bi icon, she’s now held up as a cautionary tale about the limits of representation. [….]

Bi women are constantly told we’re untrustworthy, that our attraction to multiple genders means we’re more likely to cheat. We’re called greedy for finding more than one gender attractive, ‘confusing’ for liking more than one gender and self-absorbed because apparently our brains are unable to think about much beyond our own sexual gratification. Within the LGBTQ community, bisexuals can be viewed as fair-weather members at best — likely to bail the second we stop having fun. Media outlets might not be talking about Sinema’s sex life, but her political reputation as greedy, unreliable and attention-seeking echoes many of the stereotypes my community has been dealing with for years.

Now, maybe it’s just me but I never heard about these alleged stereotypes. Sinema appears to be courageously standing firm to her principles despite a huge effort to smear and subvert her. It doesn’t fit any stereotypes.

But who said Sinema has to fit into anyone’s preconceived notion of what a bisexual is or thinks? Isn’t that the point of not having stereotypes and not pre-judging and putting people in boxes? It is free for Americans to choose what beliefs and thoughts they wish. At least, that’s what she claims. Alptraum, however, wants her to be put in a box.

But Democrats can’t live without identity politics and without those boxes.

Maybe if you don’t want to feed “stereotypes,” then don’t try to squeeze people into them just because you disagree with their political stance?

Bottom line is that the only reason the knives are coming out here is because she’s standing in the way of the Agenda. Let’s just be honest — if she were not, they would be cooing over her brave choice of wearing denim in the Senate and talking about how edgy she was.

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