The Game Clock Is Running Now for Baseball – Opinion

In an iconic movie line, Tom Hanks tells one of his female players, “There’s no crying in baseball!”

It has never been a clock.

My Dad took me to numerous Cleveland Indians games as a kid. Passion was something I felt and I wrote a lot about it. Doubleheaders was something I enjoyed, and even though it meant sitting through them twice. Each time, I made sure to wear my Ernie Banks baseball gloves just in case there was a foul ball.

One day it did!

I was standing in the middle of it when it crashed into a chair. I was just inches away from receiving the prize, when a man came up to me and grabbed it. Good life lesson.

I took my boys to pro baseball games too — in Japan. My oldest son was stricken by a foul. He held onto the crumpled thing as if it were a holy orb that had fallen from Heaven.

However, the stadium usher swooped in and demanded their return. Another lesson from life.

When I was 11, however, I gave up on Major League Baseball for reasons detailed in this week’s commentary. It seems many have also abandoned the nation’s one-time national sport. A major reason is that the games can sometimes feel interminable.

MLB is working on a solution.

In our most recent commentary, I talk about this.

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